DIY Brushless Camera Gimbal – Handheld & Mini Quadcopter

by Oscar

Brushless motor camera gimbal is so common these days, and they are more affordable than ever. However it can still cost you $100+ if you want to get a good one. If you are like me, who don’t have enough budget but really want a camera gimbal, and you enjoy DIY projects, you might find this post interesting. Find out what they do, and comparison to the servo based camera gimbals.

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Here I am going to build a light weight brushless gimbal. The design goal is not restricted to only quadcopter mounting, it should also be compatible for handheld, and other common camera mounts. I should also try to make it compatible to many types of cameras as well, like the gopro, mobius, or even just a mobile phone.

A demo video showing the performance.

And a video filmed with this brushless camera gimbal, and the GoPro Hero3 Silver.

Gimbal Design and Dimension

It’s important to make sure the lens of the camera is aligned with the roll and pitch motor shafts. I first measured the dimensions of the motors and GoPro camera.


I drew the design on paper, and did some calculations on the dimension of the frame. I could have taken the weight of everything in to account  as well, to make sure the whole gimbal when finished, is balanced before turning on (at rest). But it would make the whole project so much more complicated, so I decided to take it easy, just leave enough gap on the camera mount plate, so I can slide the camera left and right, to find the balance point.


Tools and Material

I don’t have a 3D printer, neither a CNC machine nor any other professional tools. I will be only using any household tools you are likely to get, scissors, screw drivers, cutter, and pliers. Material wise I will be using styrene sheet, and plywood sheet. Some metal angle brackets, screws and nuts.

I decided to use plywood, because it’s light weight, rigid and not easy to bend. Also it’s easy to drill holes on them with only a screw driver and knife.

I needed four pieces of wood, two for the camera mount (forming a “L” shape), two for the connection between roll motor and pitch motor (again, forming a “L” shape). I probably also need an extra one for holding the brushless camera gimbal (which attached to the back of the pitch motor). I will be putting vibration foam on the camera mount plate, to sit the gopro camera on.


The screws, nuts and angle brackets are made of steel, which are quite heavy (probably make up 60% of the total weight!). I could have used nylon screws/nuts etc instead. If you have access to a 3D printer, you can also print the whole frame with plastic. It would be so much lighter, although rigidity could be a problem.

Assembling Brushless Camera Gimbal

Putting all the parts together is simple, once you have everything designed, and made into the exact shapes as you wanted.




As you can see, the pitch motor is not exactly aligned with the camera lens. That’s because the weight distribution is not what I thought it would be. I had to move the camera to the right by 1 cm to get it balance, which I am really disappointed about.

Talking about “gimbal balance”, make sure you balance it before turning it on for PID tuning. That means when power off,  the camera should face forward, horizontally and upright.

Brushless Gimbal Controller and Motor

For motors, I am using 2206-140Kv Brushless Gimbal Motor. You can buy them from here.

One of the the biggest cost variables in a brushless gimbal, is probably the controller. There are clone controllers that are being sold at $15, while some others could be as high as $70 or more. I am not very familiar with all the gimbal controller, so I just picked a random one without any particular reasons – Quanum 2 axis micro gimnbal controller.

It’s very small, and light weight. It accepts 2S to 4S input, which perfect to use on a quadcopter, or handheld mount.

quanum micro gimnbal controller alexmos

However I encounted an issue, which was saying Unrecognized Device in device manager. I needed to install driver for the controller. In Device Manager the controller appeared to be “cp2102 usb to uart bridge controller”. I followed the instructions on this site to install the driver, and it worked.

I am still not very familiar with camera gimbal configuration. It’s all about PID tuning, which is not a new concept for me. But the meaning of each terms has different effect on a camera gimbal, than on a quadcopter. So there will be a lot more to take in, and I need to spend more time to play around.


With the stock PID, it seems working, but the result seems a bit unsatisfactory. I am working hard on the PID settings, so hopefully I can share some results soon. Probably with side by side comparison for cameras, with and without a brushless camera gimbal, and how well it improves the video quality.

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Martin 5th January 2017 - 1:22 am

Could I use 2300kv motor I have laying around?

Chris Barth 26th December 2018 - 2:27 pm

Not as is. KV is too high, torque too low. Very low kv is needed. You would need to remove the existing windings and basically rewind with a very long winding with many turns around each stator tooth.

micahel 25th November 2015 - 9:35 am

would it be possible, to provide the PID settings or a screenshot of the SimpleBGC with the config? i’m fighting with the calibration / tuning…

villapanama 1st June 2015 - 6:52 pm

Hey Oscar, pretty cool project i am trying to do something along this lines just wondering where you got the documentation fro the controller?

I have looked everywhere and there is nothing in terms of schematics for connections or anything like that.

Thanks for the Help!

Dj_Garfield 30th December 2014 - 1:10 pm

Very Impressive !!
sure that the brushless solution makes very nice footage :) You give me some good ideas .
The KK2.1.5 allows to control servos or esc for that :) I tried with servo but too much noise in video circuit , even I built a L/C filter , I cannot filter all the noise bandwith.. :(
But i’ll try to make a proto with brushless motors :)

Oscar 31st December 2014 - 5:23 pm

Yes servos are very noisy :) also servo gimbals might be useful for tilting FPV cameras, but they are not ideal for HD recording (not smooth enough)
It was fun making this brushless gimbal ! :)

Steven 28th November 2014 - 7:07 pm

Can I have a link to where you bought the motors and controller? I am trying to build something similar for my DJI Phantom drone.

Oscar 1st December 2014 - 4:59 pm

they were all from eBay, sorry i can’t find the product page anymore probably because they have sold out!

bobby washington 7th November 2014 - 3:28 am

Hey Oscar, Could I Pay You To Build Me A Gimbal For My Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera?
Here’s My COntact 863-703-0280 (Bobby)

Oscar 12th November 2014 - 5:18 pm

sorry i am not providing this services at the moment. I think it would be much cheaper for you to buy a commercial available gimbal

hiddenath 29th June 2014 - 11:35 pm

It would be nice to add another axis stabilization (horizontal rotation) and make electronic uprovlenie rotating the camera ….

Oscar 30th June 2014 - 12:48 am

definitely, you can see some shaking in the demo, because of the lack of third axis stabilization. I would if my budget allows me…
