Setting up Drone Racing Tracks

by Oscar

Races can take place anywhere: warehouse, parking lot, in the forest, or simply on an open field with obstacles. Just like any other types of racing, the goal is to go through the course without crashing.

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There are three main types of drone racing.

  • Circuit Racing
  • Time Trial
  • Freestyle

Our weekend meet up flying session

Circuit Racing

Two or more multicopters fly through a course at the same time. Pilots are ranked in the order they cross the finish line. If you crash then you are out; if you miss a gate you’ll need to go back and pass it. Normally the number of racers is limited by the video interference, 8 racers are normally the most we can handle in a single run.

Time Trial

A test of a multicopter’s speed through a course, in which the finishing time is recorded. Good thing about this type of race is that, pilot does not get affected by video signal interference as there is only 1 quad flying at a time.


Lastly there is the free style competition. It’s a bit like dancing, where the contestant has to perform all sorts of crazy acrobatic moves to impress the judges.

Next we will talk about setting up a racing course.

Setting up a Drone Racing Track

Once your have built your quad, and you found a local group to fly with, it’s time to set up a racing track.


When setting up a circuit, remember there is no set course or limit! Apart from the usual air gates and flags, other objects around you can be incorporated into your racing tracks too, such as trees, goal posts and bushes. Obstacles at different height will also make flying a lot more dynamic and feels more 3D.


Air gates are widely available for purchase, you can also DIY and make your own from camping posts, pool noodles, cardboard, hula hoops, or whatever you have on hand.


Featured Image from Alex Jeitinho

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Juan Carlos Ocampo 29th November 2023 - 7:37 pm

Hola Oscar, un saludo grande desde Colombia, y un agradecimiento enorme por compartir tanto conocimiento, te pregunto tienes el link o los archivos STL de los elementos de la pista para imprimirlos en 3D?

Marc 9th October 2023 - 7:20 am

Where can i get an stl model of those gates in the first picture?

Josef Tuckerman 15th July 2022 - 9:01 pm

some genuinely interesting details you have written.

patrick rinaudo 30th January 2021 - 8:45 pm

where do you go for track information if someone wanted to say start an indoor drone racing track league?
