IR Block vs IR Sensitive | Difference | Better

by Oscar

As part of the FPV camera selection, we have options of IR Block and IR Sensitive cameras. What differences does it make?

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Basically IR Block Camera gives you a brighter picture during day time, and the colour would appear more vivid, realistic and richer. However it’s not a very good camera to use in dim light situation such as at night. A good example is the CMQ1993X camera.

IR sensitive cameras are good for both day and night uses. However the picture quality is a bit poorer, colour looks a bit off but it not too bad to affect your visibility. It’s famous of great capability to use at night with low light lens. A good example is the PZ0420 camera.

Here are some simple comparisons.

IR Sensitive Image.


IR Block Image.


IR Senstive camera perform much better at night.

IR block IR sensitive fpv camera comparison

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zoran 26th May 2016 - 11:28 am

hello Oscar I have a question, i bought camera but image is purple, people at facebook group told me it is due missing IR block filter, is there a way of fixing it or i need to buy another lens? do any IR lens work or it needs to be specific? thank you

hein godeke 22nd April 2017 - 10:13 am

i have had the same problem when i bought a ir sensitive lens, but any ir-blocking lens will do.

Mx_Passi 18th April 2016 - 9:46 pm

Hello Oscar,

first of all I love your blog, there is no other side with this much info about multicopter. I have a question, finally I think an ir sensitive cam with an exchange lens with ir filter is the best option. But I cannot find exchange lenses for the RunCam Skyplus. Can you give me a hint?

Greetz from Europe

Oscar 20th April 2016 - 5:02 pm

sorry I am not sure if there are official lens you can swap out.. probably best to get in touch with Runcam on their website!
However I find IR blocked version work just great even low light in late afternoon.
