Palm-size Mini Quadcopter Hardware Settings

by Oscar

Here is a really small quadcopter that uses Arduino and Brushless motors Built by Bob. I will mainly describe the parts and hardware you will need to build this mini quadcopter, and I will not go into flight controller configurations, software and programming etc. There are many options out there. I will do another post about this.

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This little Arduino quadcopter is an brilliant design and is runs very quite. Because of its small size, this little quadcopter is perfect for indoor flying.

Here are the parts used to build this mini quadcopter.

As for propellers, some cheap 5x3x3 props (2 CW and 2 CCW) are used. The Hobby King 5×3 and 5x3R aren’t very good. They do work, but it takes a long time to balance them, and sometimes the mounting hole is not centered.

Anyway, from the picture you can see it uses Arduino Pro Mini as the flight controller.  There are a lot of opensource quadcopter library for Arduino, such as MultiWii. Therefore unlike KK flight controller boards, you will need to equipped your Arduino with IMU. But the good thing about this is, you can add whatever components and modules you want to the Arduino, such as bluetooth, for iPhone / Android control.

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arun 30th December 2014 - 3:26 pm

super i want this Palm-size Mini Quadcopter

how this hader on Palm-size Mini Quadcopter

Zach 5th February 2014 - 4:50 am

What kind of flight times have you gotten with this build?

Oscar 7th February 2014 - 11:37 am

from the video, about 7 minutes?

Austin 15th November 2013 - 1:48 am

What is a frame I can use with the components?

Oscar 18th November 2013 - 8:10 pm

you can make it yourself, check here.
or google mini quadcopter frame.

Hunter 3rd November 2013 - 10:24 am


Oscar 5th November 2013 - 10:45 am

not including the RC transmitter and receiver, about $90.

Tirupathi behara,India 8th October 2013 - 7:44 am

I need the measurement of frame

Oscar 10th October 2013 - 11:17 am

diagonal distance about 20cm

Jampa 22nd September 2013 - 1:01 am

Hey Oscar,

Thanks for your instructions they were clear for a beginner, like me Im totally new to building my own Quadcopter .Can i get in touch with you for suggestions while getting the parts from hobby king. I want to build a palm sized Quadcopter first .
