Review: Runcam Racer Nano FPV Camera

by Oscar

The Runcam Racer Nano FPV camera is basically the Racer 2 in an ultra small form factor. This is designed specifically for micro drones and tiny whoops.

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Because of the space and weight limitation, we had to use those tiny little cameras with poor performance. Finally Runcam made a decent camera in a small enough form factor to be used on whoops.

It’a pretty amazing that they managed to make it this small. It has the exact same performance as the Runcam Racer 2 camera we reviewed recently.

This “Nano Size” might become another size standard for FPV cameras, alongside with Micro, Mini and full size. Here is a side by side comparison with the full size Eagle 2 camera, another of my favourite cameras.

Where to Buy?


  • M8 1.8mm Lens with 160° FOV
  • Input Voltage: 3.3V to 5.5V (1S LiPo)
  • Dimension: 14x14x17mm
  • Weight: 4.5 grams with wires

The wires are about 47mm long.

There is M2 metal insert on each side for mounting. The wires are soldered directly to the camera board, secured with glue.

It weighs slightly heavier than other Nano cameras Runcam released before, because of the plastic protection casing.

You can change camera settings just like the Racer 2 using a joystick controller which is not included. You can also hook it up to your flight controller if your FC supports camera control. The camera menu and settings is just like the Racer 2.

Image Quality

I didn’t notice any difference in terms of image quality from the Runcam Racer 2. Here is a demo of the Racer 2 camera.

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Albert 22nd September 2019 - 5:28 pm

Hello Oscar, after a crash my plus solderung contact went of. Is there another way to solder the 5v to the Board.

Oscar 26th September 2019 - 3:14 pm

Sorry, i am not sure, maybe contact Runcam see if there is a solution ?

Chris 8th May 2019 - 11:54 am

Same sensor?

Oscar 13th May 2019 - 2:37 pm


Beta75x 6th May 2019 - 6:42 am

What about the Performance compared to the eos2 cam?

TweakRacer 30th April 2019 - 6:05 am

Can the Racer Nano still do the “dynamic stretching” (ala Superview) to 16:9?

Oscar 30th April 2019 - 6:01 pm

It has 16:9 setting just like the Racer V2.

Marc 23rd April 2019 - 6:29 pm

this is perfect
i’ll buy it
