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How To Ping a Website or Server With PHP

by Oscar

How to Ping a website or server?

We all know to ping a website in the case of windows OS (XP, W7, W8) you simply open your command window (Start->Run, type in ‘CMD’ and press Enter), Type in ‘Ping’.

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Replace ‘’ with the IP or website domain name with the one you want, and you should get the result.

With this PHP script, you can ping a website, server or terminal(e.g. PC) that is within your network, which means you don’t need to sit in front of a computer to check if a server or website is down, but also through your mobile phone, tablet etc that has internet access.

It’s simply a single function, with some modification you can make it really powerful and useful.

[sourcecode language=”php”]

# Script By Oscar Liang –
# Version 1.0
# 01/March/2013

function ping($target){

$result = array();

/* Execute Shell Command To Ping Target */
$cmd_result = shell_exec(“ping -c 1 -w 1 “. $target);

/* Get Results From Ping */
$result = explode(“,”,$cmd_result);

/* Return Server Status */
if(eregi(“0 received”, $result[1])){
return ‘offline’;
elseif(eregi(“1 received”, $result[1])){
return ‘online’;
return ‘unknown’;


$target = ‘’;

echo ‘”‘.$target.'”‘ . ‘ is ‘ . ping ( $target );


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sanjay makwana 4th March 2016 - 7:33 pm

i am run on windows os this code error is =>

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘1’ (T_LNUMBER) in F:\XAMPP\htdocs\code\ping gl.php on line 16

balwinder 22nd February 2016 - 12:01 pm

This is working man!!… Thank you

Conrad Bate 31st December 2013 - 11:35 am

NB:: I couldn’t get SELINUX to stop stopping the shell_exec (after changing the following variables httpd_tmp_exec, allow_httpd_anon_write, httpd_can_network_relay, httpd_can_network_connect, httpd_ssi_exec
httpd_can_network_connect_cobbler, httpd_verify_dns, httpd_execmem) I turned if off by edtting `/etc/sysconfig/selinux` to say “disabled” and rebooting machine

Conrad Bate 30th December 2013 - 12:46 pm

on centos you have to run as root

# setsebool -P httpd_ssi_exec 1

on CentOS run this line to get this script to work : by default `shell_exec` will not run under SELinux

Daniel Price 17th August 2013 - 3:42 pm

Thanks for your help, but here’s a similar function that I made from parts of yours that returns an array of results:
[0] = min ping time,
[1] = avg ping time,
[2] = max ping time,
[3] = mdev of ping times,

You can specify the IP / Web address and the number of pings (hopefully useful).

$results = ping(ip_address, pings)
// min = $results[0];
// avg = $results[1];
// max = $results[2];
// mdev = $results[3];

The function:

function ping($t,$p){
$r = array();
$st = “ping -c “.$p.” -w “.$p.” “.$t;
$cr = shell_exec($st);
$r = explode(“,”,$cr);
$so = $r[3];
$st = ‘max/mdev =’;
$so = substr($so,strpos($so,$st)+strlen($st));
$st = ‘/’;
$min = substr($so,0,strpos($so,$st));
$so = substr($so,strpos($so,$st)+strlen($st));
$avg = substr($so,0,strpos($so,$st));
$so = substr($so,strpos($so,$st)+strlen($st));
$max = substr($so,0,strpos($so,$st));
$so = substr($so,strpos($so,$st)+strlen($st));
$st = ‘ms’;
$mdev = substr($so,0,strpos($so,$st));
$so = substr($so,strpos($so,$st)+strlen($st));
return array($min, $avg, $max, $mdev);

An example:

$websiteOrIP = “”;
$results = ping($websiteOrIP,4);
echo(“Average ping time for “.$websiteOrIP.” was “.$results[1]);

– Dan.

Oscar 18th August 2013 - 12:16 pm

Thanks for the idea Dan!
I will test it when i have a chance.

