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FPV Goggles Screen FOV Comparing Tool

by Oscar

Field of view (FOV) is an important consideration when buying FPV goggles, but FOV is not something easily comprehensible. That’s why I created this tool to help you compare screen size of goggles with different FOV side by side.

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FPV Goggles FOV Comparison Tool

Here’s the tool:

In this post, I will try to explain how FOV affects screen size in case you are interested.

What does FOV mean to FPV Goggles?

FOV stands for field of view, it’s a measurement of how big the screen appears to be when you are watching inside the goggles.

FPV Goggles manufacturers almost always provide FOV in the specs. It’s normally the diagonal field of view, which is the distance between the two diagonal corners of the projected image.

However, FOV is a degree, and it doesn’t make much sense to most of us. In order to compare goggles of different FOV, we can convert it to relative projected screen size, which we can calculate if we know the FOV and aspect ratio.

The picture below explains the steps and formulae that solve this problem.

I am quite proud of this tool as it gives us a way to visualize how big of an image we are getting in comparison to another goggles.

FOV is NOT Everything

For me, the minimum FOV of a pair of goggles is 30 degrees, anything smaller is really hard to see the image clearly. After trying so many different goggles, you might be surprised to find out my preference actually have an upper limit too.

Some people prefer larger FOV because it’s more immersive. However some prefer smaller FOV because they don’t need to move their eyeballs as much to see the OSD at the corners, and it’s less likely to have blurry edges.

For me 40-50 degree is the perfect range, but of course this is just a personal preference.

There are also so many other factors that go into selecting the ideal FPV goggles, make sure to check out my FPV Goggle Buyer’s guide to learn more.

Edit History

  • Apr 2018 – created tool
  • Feb 2021 – updated list of goggles

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Francisco 6th April 2024 - 11:14 pm

Thanks for the tool!

Mitch Thompson 4th January 2021 - 10:47 pm

If you don’t own goggles, and need to figure out what a field of view is REALLY going to be like, use an online “home theater” fov calculator. My projection TV is 110 inches. Where my couch is, at 14 feet, comes to roughly 32degress FOV. So, knowing that, I know what I can guess 40 feels like by moving the couch up to like 10 feet.

I hope this helps someone without goggles.

Brian S 24th August 2020 - 8:21 pm

Personally, I sold my Fatsharks after about 4 months of owning them and using them weekly as I disliked the tiny screens. I prefer 72 Degrees FOV my box goggles provide over the fatshark’s 40-something Degrees FOV. If I was not racing but free-styling (just out having fun) I learned I could fly closer to objects and the ground and feel more secure in how I was flying while using box goggles.

Also, I disagree that someone must move their eyes all over to see information. For that, they just need to adjust where the OSD info is displayed via Betaflight and adjust font size and type.

Marcos Poltorak 16th February 2020 - 12:20 am


Spectacular Job on this Tool…

Would it be possible to add the FatShark HDO 2 in 16:9 as well as the DJI Digital FPV on 4:3 on the Goggle FOV Compare Tool List – Pretty Please : )

Thanks – you the Man!

Pedro Brasileiro 13th June 2019 - 3:33 pm

Waiting update comparation to fpv tool with fatshark attitude v5

Benjamin West 19th May 2019 - 10:19 pm

Great tool, very useful!

Meech 12th February 2019 - 6:48 pm

I love this tool and it’s on of my most visied bookmarks – but I have two suggestions to improve it:
1.: It would be great if I could enter my own parameters beside the presets since you don’t have all goggles
2.: I’d love to see a “real” screen resolution. This would maybe help some people to see a more realistic the difference between e.g. a Dominator SE and an HDO

Oscar 25th February 2019 - 4:11 pm

Thanks for the feedback.
1. Yes that’s totally doable. I will put this in my to-do list.
2. I don’t think that’s doable – firstly that would require access to every single goggles out there. Secondly, capturing the image and preserving the image quality in a objectively fair fashion is virtually impossible as it depends on many factors. The best you can do is borrow someone’s goggles in a meetup and see for yourself. Image from a camera is very different from what you see with your own eyes.

Pangit 11th May 2018 - 1:29 am

Great tool, would love it if you could also include some older goggles e.g. the Attitude V2s (640×480 35deg FOV) and V3 (640×480 32deg FOV)

Oscar 14th May 2018 - 4:57 pm

okay I will work on that once i have time :) but there are other goggles with the same FOV you can use to compare :)

Dafunk 8th May 2018 - 12:25 pm

My conclusion : 16/9 is such a non sense on FPV goggles.
16/9 makes sense on TV screen and box fpv because we have 2 eyes and the full picture we see with both eyes has a rectangular form.

My thoughts :
Let’s assume each eye can see a square (in fact it sees a circle). putting two squares horizontally next to each other result into a rectangle hence the concept of 16/9 is valid.
when it comes to fpv goggles, each eye is looking at a separate screen but each screen is showing the exact same picture.
As long as both screens show the exact same picture, the optimal ratio is a square (or a circle)

Let’s assume we are looking at a painting showing the letters ABCD.
To make 16/9 useful, the left screen should show ABC
the right screen should show BCD
Meaning both screen display BC corresponding to the middle of the painting
only the left eye can see the A, only the right eye can see the D and both eyes can see BC

BurninCoco 9th May 2018 - 5:48 pm

I have domintor v2, dominator hd v2, both square and both I hate equally. Maybe I hate the hd v2 more. My wife had the dominator v3 which are 16:9 and I love them so much I bought the flysight FG01 which are also 16:9 and I just fell in love with flying once again. Some cameras aI use are the new micro eagle and micro swift wich are also 16:9 but even flying my old hs1117s everything looks better.
I have a masters in cinematography so you can imagine how I was with all that “the aspect ratio has to be perfect!” It turns out it’s the opposite of what you think.
Please give it a try by actually flying different goggles and make up your mind. Maybe you’ll still think the same and that’s all right, but you tried it.

Chad 7th May 2018 - 9:58 pm

How about Fatshark Transformer’s with Binocular viewer?

I know people don’t love the form-factor but the 55° FOV is well worth it.

Would be a fun comparison (especially to my old Predators, 25°)

Roman 6th May 2018 - 7:59 pm

Great Work!
Could you add the Flysight Falcons?
Would be really nice.

Strepto 6th May 2018 - 12:25 am

This is a worthwhile and useful tool but I couldn’t agree more with your conclusion. I went from HD2 to a set of prototype HDOs back in January. Looking at the tool, the difference seems massive! But when switching goggles it seemed like a much smaller change and didn’t bother me at all. The quality of the image was so much better that any loss of FOV more than made up for it in terms of visible detail as well.

At the end of the day goggles are such personal things, so try as many as you can before buying. Get the ones you like the most, that you can afford. Happy flying!

BaryFPV 6th May 2018 - 9:57 am

Don’t you want to sell your hd2s?

Mark Cocquio 11th May 2018 - 11:54 pm

Not just yet :)

Pablo 5th May 2018 - 11:23 pm

Very interesting the comparison tool!
Is it possible to add some box tipe Googles (eachine vrd2 for example) to compare with fatsharks, aomways etc…??

Quad Jockey 5th May 2018 - 8:40 am

Im trying to work out what to buy and this is a great help. I’d also like to see some other metrics to compare goggles with different aspect ratios. The horizontal and vertical FOVs. Also the virtical and horizontal resolutions in pixels for degree of hor/virt FOV.
