Guide: 1.2GHz -1.3GHz FPV Video System

by Oscar

Not getting enough FPV range on 5.8GHz? This guide will explain the many aspects of using 1.2GHz – 1.3GHz video transmitters (VTX) and receivers (VRX) to get longer range. It will take you through selecting gears and some tips for optimal performance.

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1.2GHz vs. 1.3GHz

You hear people calling it 1.2GHz, sometimes 1.3GHz, so what’s the difference?

They are the same thing!

The channels available on 1.2-1.3GHz transmitters and receivers can range from 1080MHz to 1360MHz (1.08GHz and 1.36GHz), with 1256MHz and 1280MHz being probably the most popular channels. That’s because these are the only legal channels in the US, and many antennas are tuned for these frequencies.

Calling it 1.2GHz is just easy to remember, since that’s half of 2.4GHz – a popular frequency for radio control. But 1280MHz is in fact closer to 1.3GHz, so you can see why some people call it that as well.

1.2GHz vs 5.8GHz for FPV

1.2GHz has many advantages over 5.8GHz:

  • 1.2GHz offers much longer range
  • Reliability: 1.2GHz video gradually gets more and more grainy until you have to turn around, whereas 5.8GHz video tends to go from rock solid to dead hard snow in a heartbeat, and it’s very sensitive to having anything between you and the aircraft
  • 1.2GHz system is not as picky about antennas as 5.8GHz when you go long range, any basic whip antennas would work very well

However, you rarely see people using 1.2GHz on a mini quad, usually on larger long range planes and wings. Here is why:

  • 1.2GHz uses huge antennas that would look ridiculous on a mini quad
  • Very few options when it comes to VTX and VRX, the technology is quite old and lacks features compared to 5.8GHz
  • Very strict regulations: license is required regardless power level in the USA and It’s illegal to use in many countries
  • It can interfere with popular radio frequencies, such as 2.4GHz
  • Lower video quality compared to 5.8Ghz because the lower frequency carries less data
  • Very few channels available

But for those who do use 1.3GHz, they are only after two things: Long range and reliability! The lower frequency offers much better signal penetration through obstacles.

Typical 1.2GHz FPV Setup

I think this 400mW VTX and receiver from ReadyMadeRC are probably one of the best 1.3GHz FPV combo on the market.

However this is not cheap, and if you live outside of the US, prepare to pay more for the import tax too. If you are on a budget, check out this one on Banggood. It does exactly the same thing minus a few channels.

As for antennas, the dipoles that they come with are fine for the most part. If you want extra range and reliability, check out these popular aftermarket antennas below.

Channels on 1.2GHz

Here are some common channels on 1.2/1.3GHz gears for FPV, but note that not all of these channels are available:

  • 1010MHZ
  • 1040MHZ
  • 1080MHZ
  • 1120MHZ
  • 1160MHZ
  • 1200MHZ
  • 1240MHZ
  • 1280MHZ (US)
  • 1320MHZ
  • 1360MHZ
  • 1258MHZ (US)
  • 1100MHZ
  • 1140MHZ

Before Buying, Ask Yourself…

Are you currently using a 5.8GHz setup? If so, have you already maxed out the capability of your 5.8Ghz setup?

My point is, avoid impulse-buying new gear if you still have room to grow in your current setup.

A 600mW VTX on 5.8Ghz with a good directional antenna on the receiver, should easily give you a few miles of range! (many achieved 10Km+, check Youtube). My personal best was flying with a 25mW VTX and 1Km out, so you can see there is clearly potential to 5.8Ghz for mid or even long range in open field :)

Here are some ideas what antennas to get for your 5.8GHz setup.

The key in achieving good range with 5.8GHz is maintaining line of sight between the transmitter and receiver antennas. Signal becomes extremely bad with obstacles, one little tree is all it takes to block your signal, and that’s where 1.3GHz comes into play.

What VTX Power Level?

1.3GHz VTX are still very primitive compared to those of 5.8GHz, the technology and products haven’t changed for years. They normally come with a huge heat sink, with a fixed output power that can’t be changed like the newest 5.8GHz VTX.

When you are just getting into 1.3GHz, there is no need to go crazy on VTX power. 200mW to 400mW is plenty to begin with. Based on reports from the community, a 400mW VTX is capable of doing 15 miles or more.

Going higher in VTX power without knowing what you are doing will probably do more harm than good. High power VTX could swamp your radio receiver, causing range issues long before your video gives up. It can even interfere with other components on your aircraft such as digital servos and GPS.

A successful flight with 1.2GHz FPV system is a combination of good setup, flying environment and antennas.

Interference from RC Frequency

As mentioned, 2.4GHz radio link can interfere with 1.2GHz video, therefore 433MHz or 900MHz (868MHz – 915MHz) is commonly used instead, such as Crossfire. And try to stay away from people flying on 2.4GHz.

1.3GHz is possible to get interference from 900MHz to some degree as well. It gets worse when you are transmitting high power on the TX module (e.g. 1W or higher). Here are some tips to help minimize interference.

Lower TX Power

First of all, do not switch to the maximum power if you don’t have to. I know the option is available and it’s tempting to use it, but it could do more harm than good sometimes.

200-250mW on your Crossfire/R9M in theory is enough for miles, and could probably out-range what your battery can do anyway on a quadcopter.


Make sure there is enough separation between your radio and video receiver on the ground. It’s impossible to say how far the separation must be, maybe 20 feet (6 meters), or even 50 feet (15 meters) it really depends on the actual setup and environment.

Leaving good separation between the video transmitter and radio receiver on the aircraft is equally important.

Check out “DIY 1.2GHz to 5.8GHz Relay“, it’s an easy way to increase separation without wires. This trick also allows FPV goggles that have a built-in 5.8GHz VRX to be used with FPV system or other frequencies.


You can buy filters that are designed to block out unwanted frequency for your video transmitter or receiver. These can help reduce interference when separation of antennas are not possible/enough. However, take this as the last resort, as these filters can also cause signal power lost.

  • This notch filter helps reduce interference from 868MHz and 915MHz radio (TBS notch filter)
  • This lowpass filter can help reduce interference from 2.4GHz radio (low pass filter) – allows you to use 2.4GHz RC link and fly with people with 2.4GHz

Further Reading: What are notch filter and low pass filter? (different scenario but principle is the same)

Removing VRX Lid

The trick is removing the lid in the 1.3GHz VRX, which supposedly helps reduce interference.

It might sounds a bit strange, but it’s been proven to work many times to certain extend. It won’t cost you anything so it’s worth a shot when nothing else worked.

1.3GHz VTX Can Affect GPS

Another thing to beware of, is that 1.3GHz can affect GPS module on your RC model. Keep your VTX antenna away from your GPS module as far away as possible.

Use a Tripod

Since you are probably going to fly long range with 1.2GHz, you might want to get a tripod, or just a long pole to mount your video receiver and antenna on. The higher you can mount your video receiver antenna from the ground, the more reliable signal you are going to get.

More Tips?

If you know any other tips that I haven’t mentioned, feel free to share with us in the comment :)

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M Haynes 8th March 2025 - 1:19 am

Getting a signal from a transmitter to a receiver doesn’t do any good if you have nothing to display it on. A full 1.3 GHz setup would include a discussion of how to display the video signal, as in which goggles might work, how to connect them and so on.

Vall 28th November 2024 - 3:28 am

Great article as usual, Oscar — thank you!

But it’s a little too long in the teeth, no? I’d bet at least some things must have changed in 5 years.

Could you please do an update?

Oscar 28th November 2024 - 4:24 pm

This technology has not changed in the last 10 years and I doubt it ever will change much, as now the hobby and development are shifting to digital FPV system.

Daniel 12th February 2024 - 7:33 pm

I’ve heard about 1G2 / 1.3ghz interfering with GPS. Was wondering if you could expand the article a little bit to talk about that. From what I gather some frequencies have resonances that interfeer with GPS which is a common device used in long rang FPV also.

Always love your site Oscar. You’re the Sheldon Brown of FPV.

Abu Musab al Khursani 17th August 2023 - 5:46 pm

i need your advice on how to connect 2 camera using the pixhawk and a 1.2ghz video system for the 5.8 systems i can use the 3 way video switcher but for the 1.2 system i cannot find a video cam switcher, if you can kindly point me in the proper direction, thank you

WAL 24th February 2024 - 10:30 pm


Patrik 25th August 2022 - 10:58 am

very good instruction, I did according to season description but can’t get a picture in my goggles. If I connect the camera directly to my 5.8 vtx, I get a clear picture immediately. when I disconnect and try to transmit at 1.3GHZ, it’s just noise. If I pull out the video cable, I see that it turns black in my Googles. and if I put them back, it’s just noise. any suggestions?

Phillip 28th November 2019 - 1:02 am

Great article, very helpful and a great place to start for people looking for a 5.8Ghz alternative. Osacar, thank you.

SilbernerSurfer 19th June 2019 - 9:33 pm

Can you recommend the best type of antennas for ground FPV at 5.8GHZ, please?

Thank you!

Oscar 27th June 2019 - 5:46 pm

see this post.
