The new TBS Agent Lite has almost the same functionality as the older Crossfire configure script that comes with OpenTX firmware. However the new TBS Agent Lite LUA script is a lot easier to use and just overall looks much nicer, it’s definitely worth the effort to switch over.
Inside TBS Agent Lite, you can do pretty much anything just like Crossfire Configure, like binding Crossfire and Tracer receivers, change output power and frequency of the TX module, change channel output mapping, multibind, access TBS cloud etc…
TBS Agent Lite LUA script can run on all OpenTX radios.
For radios that comes with a large colour screen (such as TX16S and T16), the graphical interface simply looks awesome. It almost feels like a proper APP on a phone or computer.
For radios that has a small LCD screen (such as Tango 2 and T-Lite), the interface is a lot simpler and is text based, but still the user experience is better due to the performance improvement, it just seems to run smoother.
How to Install TBS Agent Lite
- Download from TBS website, and unzip file
- Put radio in “bootloader mode”, and connect USB cable (so you can access the SD card inside the radio)
- Copy both the TBSAGENTLITE folder and TBSAgentLite.lua LUA script to this directory on the SD card: \SCRIPTS\TOOLS\
To enter bootloader mode for Jumper T16, T18 and Radiomaster TX16S, you just need to press both horizontal trim buttons inwards while powering on the TX. For other radios, just google “how to enter bootloader mode [your radio name]”:
This is how bootloader mode screen looks like. If you connect USB cable now, two removable drives should show up on your computer, one of them is the SD card (with lots of folders).
That’s it.
To run the APP, simply go to System Menu, Tools, you can select TBS Agent Lite there.
1 comment
you can also use tbs agent lite with expresslrs in the new update