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Arduino Nano Quadcopter Hardware Setting

by Oscar

Here are some pictures guide you through how to make an Arduino Nano Quadcopter by Wov. It uses Arduino Nano as the micro-processor and Razor 6DOF IMU. There won’t be any source code available as it uses Aeroquad. If you want to learn how a quadcopter works, check it out.

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The PCB is home-made, it has voltage converter to lower the 5V voltage to 3.3V for the Razor IMU.

The motors are light-weight 18/11 2000kV Outrunners. ESCs are Turnigy Plush 6A. Propellers would be the small 3 bladed GWS 6×3 propellers. The frame is only 25cm diagonally.

The Software Configurator is simply great and so easy to use. There is also a 3D design of the Arduino quadcopter.

for more detail go here:



Arduino Nano Quadcopter all parts
Arduino Nano Quadcopter PCB

Arduino Nano Quadcopter control unit

small Arduino Nano Quadcopter

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akshay bhagat 13th August 2015 - 8:48 am

Hi Oscar I want build the quad using arduino and the same IMU (GY_80) which you have used, so could you please provide all the libraries , source codes and all schematic circuit diagrams and other additional information which you want to suggest.

Lucky 20th October 2014 - 8:45 pm

I want build the quad using arduino and the same IMU (GY_80) which you have used, so could you please provide all the libraries , source codes and all schematic circuit diagrams and other additional information which you want to suggest.

kenbocbr 15th March 2014 - 2:59 pm

Hi I have just built a quadcopter using a kk2 board with a qbrain quattro 4x20a esc and a turnigy 9x tranmittter and receiver I have been trying for ages to set it up but cant get it off the ground it wants to flip over to the left, I have noticed when doing a sensor test on the kk2 board that when I push the throttle forward the aileron go left and the elevator goes back I think. Its all so confusing if anyone can help it would be very much appreciated.

Oscar 16th March 2014 - 8:31 am

it’s not just the transmitter reciever pins you need to check, you also need to check the motor/ESC pins to the KK board. make sure propellers are all mounted correctly.

To check this, go to the “show layout” menu in KK2.

It’s easier for us to troubleshoot this, if you could make a short video showing the problem too

Leonardo 1st November 2013 - 2:30 pm

Hi, I’m from Argentina. I’m interesting on build some quad like this. I want to know what source code do you use. I ready aeroquad web page and I am a litle confuce about source code. Can you tell me more about it?

Sorry by my english!!!


Oscar 1st November 2013 - 4:08 pm

Hi! the software i used is called “multiwii”, you can google it.
it’s very simple to setup, just like loading an arduino sketch.
