Eachine is releasing their own version of the TX16S, which is manufactured by Radiomaster. Although it has the same name as the original TX16S, they look different from the outside, are there any other differences?
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Where to buy Eachine TX16S?
Banggood: https://oscarliang.com/product-b86c (first 300 orders will get a free receiver)
It’s been confirmed that the Eachine TX16S is manufactured by Radiomaster, rebranded for Eachine. So it’s not a clone or anything.
Appearance Difference
The original TX16S by Radiomaster (review):
The Eachine TX16S:
As you can see the radio is quite similar, but they’ve moved the flight mode buttons to the centre of the radio just above the screen, and changed the rectangular Model and System setting buttons to circular ones.
Eachine TX16S Has Same Specs As the Original
After checking with Radiomaster, they told me the gimbals are different on the Eachine version. But apart from that the rest of the radio is identical, including features, specs and OpenTX firmware target. You will get the same touch screen, internal charging, multi-protocol module etc.
It turns out the gimbals on the Eachine are actually just the same hall sensor gimbals, but with new adjustment capability – you can adjust gimbal tension and stick travel limit right on the front of the radio, you don’t need to take apart the radio anymore. You can even change gimbal mode too.
The Eachine TX16S is the same price as the Radiomaster version of the same specs. (But Radiomaster’s is $10 off until the end of the month: https://bit.ly/34FLB2Y
Is it worth it? Having the convenience of being able to change gimbals tension without tearing down the radio is certainly nice, but we don’t really do that very often. Well, if you are one of those people who are always changing stick tension for some reason, then this is awesome. But most of us only change it once at the beginning and then forget about it, so this new feature might not be as important as it might seem.
Hi All, anyone knows how to change from MODE 1 to MODE 2? Thanks
Hi I bought a eachine tx16s from banggood . This transmitter binds to eachine models but the controls will not move unless range is selected. This is a known problem as reported on the internet.
How do I fix the problem. Banggood consumer service is no help at all
I just got it and I cannot open the battery bay. It has a rectangular button in the middle that doesn’t seem to move when I press it. Any advice on how to open it? I don’t want to break it before using it!
Si l’écran n’est pas mieux que ma radiomaster aucune raison de changer.
Je suis allé en meeting ce week-end ensoleillé, impossible de voir sur mon écran…
Je regrette ma Taranis…dommage qu’elle ne soit pas multiprotocol.
How many models can be programmed into this radio?
Hola Óscar. De nuevo un excelente trabajo. Quisiéra saber si la versión que esta ofreciendo Bangood con el modulo happymodel expresslrs 2.4 ya tiene Preflashado los LUA script en la memoria interna?
Can the stand be removed easily off the eachine version? (I’ll just get rid of it, if it isn’t foldable)
Yes. You can buy a USD 20 stand of any color on aliexpress but take care ’cause it’s fragile.
Someone needs to tell the manufacturer to ensure these come with the folding stand! (It looks like this version only comes with the original type stand!).
Oscar, please tell them!
It’s like the original TX16S, no folding stand. You can however buy the folding stand as an accessories, like the one used in the MAX edition: https://bit.ly/3tDN0So
saw an advert on banggood, the eachine still has hall gimbals but they also added adjustable x & y axis tensioners and gimbal settings accessible from the front of the radio
Radiomaster TX16S already has a touch screen, just isn’t supported in current firmware.
Those six buttons will be hard to reach in flight for people using a neck strap?
the screen is a bit smaller,possible a touchscreen update ?
Can i use it for helicopter control ?
I have the ix20 I really like it for all those things I have but like to know what’s the TS16S can do….
i don’t think so, I checked with Radiomaster and they said the hardware are all the same except the buttons and gimbals.
Do you know if this one will have custom front plates like the radiomaster? From previous reply looks like the folding stand from the max will work with this one are you sure? What about the leather side grips for example?
The screen looks smaller too.
The six buttons are in a better place, easier to reach for use inflight. Prefer the overall look of the original though, so I wont be getting an Eachine front cover for my Radiomaster although I may see if there is room to put buttons just above the screen like that.
But gimbals are very important, from the feel to the accuracy, going budget on them may not be a good move. Still. if they turn out to be poor quality, and the price difference is good enough, you could always replace them with originals and still be quids in.