Fix: BLHeliSuite Doesn’t Response / Won’t Run

by Oscar

I downloaded the latest version of BLHelisuite (BLHeli Configurator) recently for my BLHeli ESC, but the program won’t open on my Windows 10 PC. There is just no response no matter how many times I click on it. This solution also for BLHeli_32 / BLHeli_S.

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Update: The same trick works for any FPV related installer, like TBS Agent X, OpenTX Installer, Betaflight Configurator etc… It seems to be just a common Windows 10 bug.

Here is the easy fix.

Make sure you downloaded the complete/latest version of BLHeliSuite32 from the official site:

And unzip it properly, any missing files might cause the program fail to open:

If that definitely isn’t not the case, then right click on the “BLHeliSuite32.exe” icon, and select “Troubleshoot compatibility” option.

Go through the troubleshoot and choose “Try Recommended Settings”, Windows 10 will automatically fix the issues for you.

And now you can click “Test Program” to make sure it works.

BLHeliSuite32 should now open as normal :)

Finally, select the option “save these settings for this program” before exiting.

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1 comment

Mark Swinger 23rd February 2023 - 3:11 pm

Oscar, running windows 11, downloaded and extracted files, BLHeliSuite not opening (Icon in task bar but blank). Tried troubleshooting with windows, nothing works. Windows is saying it’s an incompatible program. Not fixed. WTH man!
