How to Output SBUS from an ExpressLRS Receiver?

by Oscar
How To Build Fpv Drone 2023 Radiomaster Rp1 Expresslrs Receiver Wires

To make ExpressLRS receiver work with certain flight controller firmware, such as Pixhawk, you need the ELRS receiver to output SBUS. I will show you how to set up an ExpressLRS receiver to output SBUS in this tutorial.

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Check Firmware Version

Ensure you are on ExpressLRS version 3.3.0 or newer, as older versions may not have the SBUS option. Update firmware if needed.

Connection to FC

You can configure which pin to output SBUS in the WiFI configuration page, and connect that pin to your flight controller’s RX pin of a spare UART. Configure SBUS as usual on your FC.

Open ExpressLRS Lua Script

Open ExpressLRS Lua script to configure the receiver. Ensure your receiver is turned on and bound.

Radiomaster Pocket Radio Transmitter Setup Tools Expresslrs Lua Script

Navigate to Receiver Options

Within the Lua script, navigate to ‘Other Devices’ and select your receiver.

Betafpv Superg Nano Transmitter Module Expresslrs Lua Script Antenna Mode Gemini Receiver

Change Protocol to SBUS

In the receiver options, find the ‘Protocol’ at the top. Change this setting to SBUS.



Verify Joystick Movements

After changing to SBUS, return to the radio tab and check for joystick movements as you move your sticks.




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Ian 6th May 2024 - 12:51 pm

DO you know if it is powwible to use sbus + PWM outputs? On 6ch pwm receiver I need sbus to “something like fc” and two standard pwm channels… Is it possible?

terry taylor 19th April 2024 - 3:29 pm

I want to use SBUS with my TX-12 + RP1, FC=Pixhawk 6c + Ardupilot (firmware). You wrote “Configure SBUS as usual on your FC.”. Configure exactly what, how? Something like the following? (
“In the configuration of the serial port select the RCIN protocol. So for example for serial port 4:
• Set RSSI_TYPE = 3″
bit 13 of RC_OPTIONS should be set to alter the baudrate from 416KBaud that CRSF uses, to 420KBaud that ELRS uses. As mentioned above, the UART selected must have DMA capability.”

Thanks for any info you can give me.

Oscar 24th April 2024 - 5:20 pm

Sorry wish I could be more helpful but I don’t really use Ardupilot. If you’ve followed my blog long enough you should probably know I only use Betaflight and iNav currently.
