E6000 Glue For Building and Repairing RC Models

by Oscar

E6000 is great for building and repairing RC models. whether it’s foam planes and wings, or flexible plastic tiny whoop frames, it just works!

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Want to know more about other tools for building RC planes and wings?

Where to Buy?

E6000 is widely available. It comes in 15mL, 50mL and 110mL tubes for under $7! 15mL is probably enough for repairing broken tiny whoop or other micro quad plastic frames. But if you want to build wings and planes, get the bigger 110mL. I used about 20mL just to build the S800.

E6000 Glue Properties

The glue tube has a very fine integrated metal nozzle which is awesome for filling glue in tiny holes and gaps. It’s perfect for fine repairing but might be annoying if you want to apply a large amount at once and it takes some patience. The cap has a pin that inserts into the nozzle so it never gets blocked from drying.

The E6000 glue itself is a clear, viscous liquid, and dries semi clear. It’s runnier than goop glue, but works just as well as goop glue. I use them instead of hot glue for building foam wings because it gives me more time to position the parts before it cures.

The official instruction suggest to use it on smooth surfaces, but this glue is so flexible it moves into cracks and irregular surface just fine. It sets semi-stiff with some degree of flexibility, great for foam joints as well as flexible plastic micro quad frames.

It takes about 15 to 20 mins to dry completely I’d say. For foam planes, I normally leave them overnight just in case.

When dealing with E6000, you might want to wear disposable gloves. They are not nice when you get it on your hands and hair. And avoid getting it on your clothes, it will most likely ruin your favourite t-shirt!

It works great for fixing household appliances :D My microwave door broke and I fixed it with some E6000. It’s been 3 months and holding up well.

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Jack 25th June 2024 - 8:43 pm

How does this compare with the “E6000 Plus” which seems to be a low odour “Improvement” ?

N.B. It and plain “E6000” are listed on on amazon.co.uk which despite brexit probaly means neither are banned in the EU

Jesper 25th January 2024 - 4:25 pm

E6000 Product contains perchloroethylene. Two years of heavy exposure to the liquid chemical that lingers in the air may increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease by 70%. It is banned in the EU. Please act accordingly.

Jacob Golany 9th September 2022 - 10:37 am

Can I use the E6000 to repair a broken nose of the Horizon AEROSCOUT which is made of EPO

Oscar 9th September 2022 - 11:19 am


Burhan Jogezai 6th December 2019 - 5:25 pm

Thanks for the reply, been asking here and there on rcgroups forums and noone helped, just ordered two tubes to build the skywalker x8, one more question, will the E6000 work to glue the motor on the x8 as well or will I have to use something like gorilla glue original, i ask because i bought a bottle of it when i was travelling to dubai

Oscar 14th December 2019 - 2:49 pm

E6000 should work :)

Burhan Jogezai 19th November 2019 - 4:41 am

will this work on a large EPO wing like the Skywalker X8, and will it also work when joining the plastic wing joiner to the foam on the X8

Oscar 1st December 2019 - 3:39 pm

Yes, works on plastic too.

Karl Kuenzel 6th January 2019 - 2:33 am

Does it not attack the foam?

Oscar 10th January 2019 - 3:13 pm

It doesn’t, that’s why I like about them. It’s a physical bond.

Sleebus 1st January 2019 - 7:03 am

Have you tried this: dollartree.com/super-glue-fix-all-adhesive-184ml-tubes/835919

Recommended to me by a fellow on Reddit. Works great, sounds very similar to the E6000 and is $1/tube.

Oscar 1st January 2019 - 12:26 pm

there are a lot of good glue in the US, but not enough choices for international buyers :) I like E6000 because it’s available worldwide :)

Fraser Steen 15th December 2018 - 1:28 am

Love this stuff, also great for waterproofing and ruggedizing your electronics.
