How to Improve Radio Control Latency for FPV Drones

by Oscar

Minimizing the radio control latency can improve flight performance of the FPV drone, as well as giving the pilot more confidence and faster response. In this post I will explain how to reduce RC link latency as well as the considerations.

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This article is written by Daniel Appel, Edited by Oscar Liang. Still looking for the latest and greatest radio on the market? Check out this radio transmitter buyer’s guide.

Why Worry About RC Latency

While latency itself is not inherently problematic in making a multicopter respond to flight inputs, depending on flight discipline the importance of control link latency can vary. Some pilots can be more sensitive to the control link latency than others, and racing tends to value minimum latency more than smooth freestyle or long range flight uses.

Often moving to a lower latency system doesn’t provide immediate and obvious flight performance improvements, other than sometimes feeling a bit more confident for some ‘close call’ situations. But reverting to a higher latency system can often be more noticeable for the pilot, result in feeling as though the craft is clumsy and typically results in significant overshoot on pilot inputs as the craft responds less quickly than expected.

The other key effect is the RC signal frame rate. The radio control information is grouped into frames, and the flight controller has fixed calculation cycles (PID Looptime). The timing of these frames plays a significant role in overall latency for the whole flight control system.

In this article, I will first explain how you can improve latency in some of the most popular radio control systems used in FPV drones. Later I will explain other considerations and what could affect radio control latency in a bit more detail.

How to Reduce RC Latency

TBS Crossfire

Technically the smallest improvement possible is with the TBS Crossfire system because it already performs pretty good out of the box. However for racing where every latency improvement counts.

For a start, moving to CRSFShot (a new protocol for Crossfire) and have the refresh rate locked at 150Hz is the hot ticket:

  • Update radio firmware to the latest OpenTX (OpenTX 2.4 or newer), this enables the new CRSFShot protocol to be used (how to update OpenTX)
  • Update the transmitter module firmware to a CRSFShot capable version. Download the latest TBS Agent, connect the transmitter module, and update that firmware to Version 3.25 or later. This now enables CRSFShot from the transmitter
  • Allow the transmitter module to OTAR (Over-The-Air-Reflash) the receivers. This enables the CRSFShot radio link to be used
  • Finally, in the Crossfire configuration (.lua), change the radio transmission protocol to CRSFShot (not enabled by default), and set the rate to 150Hz locked.
  • From there you’ve done it

And there are still benefits to reducing the number of channels transmitted (e.g. using 8 channels rather than 12). If you are on Betaflight 4.1.3 or later, you no longer need to transmit the LQ or RSSI values on an actual data channel.

No further changes are required, although you can now be more aggressive with RC smoothing. For example in Betaflight4.2, I have found that RC_Smoothness on Auto, set to 8 provides more than adequate smoothness, but extremely good latency performance. On long range setups, I will run values of 20, as my mountain-surfing rigs aren’t as latency-driven, and the very smooth response is actually a means of smoothing out my stick inputs. Values up to 40 can still be used, particularly on cinewhoops. Play with this value and see what works best for you.

Frsky Taranis with XM+

The Taranis radio and XM+ receiver has a somewhat variable 22-37ms latency (measured on stock OpenTX2.2 and stock XM+ firmware). There are three steps required to reduce latency.

  • Update the radio firmware to the latest OpenTX (2.3.3 or later). This fixes the “unsync heartbeat” bug in with XJT and OpenTX, eliminating up to 9ms of latency (how to update OpenTX)
  • reflash XM+ receiver firmware. I recommend the ACCST Pre-2.0 (1.X RSSI .frk files), as there are bugs present in some of the newer FrSky provided versions. This adds the ability to display RSSI in the OSD
  • Change the D16 protocol to operate on CH1-8 (using 8 channels only). To do this, go into the radio menu, select the model, press page once, and scroll to the bottom of the screen. On the ‘channel selection’ menu, select the ‘16’ value in Ch1-16, and go left until that value is 8 (or less – there is no latency benefit to going below 8). This stops the transmitter from transmitting Ch9-16 data every other frame, effectively doubling the rate at which R/P/Y/T data is sent. As needed, rearrange the Aux channels on the transmitter and FC configuration to retain the same functions

Finally, you can adjust the RC Smoothing in flight control firmware, though stock is a great compromise. For racing, values of 8-12 work best for me, practically I’m content to run defaults for Betaflight 4.2. I run the XM+ as the primary option for racing rigs, though if you use these for freestyle, values from 20-40 all work well cinewhoops are quite happy at 40).

Frsky Taranis with R-XSR

The most significant improvement possible is with XSR and R-XSR receivers for reducing latency and making the latency more consistent. This will involve the most steps, but achieve the most, as going from a variable 25-47ms latency 16Ch setup to a consistent 13-17ms setup while simplifying the wiring and telemetry is a great improvement.

  • Update the radio firmware to the latest OpenTX (2.3.3 or later). This fixes the “unsync heartbeat” bug in with XJT and OpenTX, eliminating up to 9ms of latency (how to update OpenTX)
  • Second, update receiver firmware to the one that support F.Port. I recommend the ACCST Pre-2.0 (1.X F.Port .frk files), as there are bugs present in some of the newer FrSky provided versions
  • Third, use FPort instead of SBus, which is a faster protocol
  • Fourth, Change the D16 protocol to operate on CH1-8. To do this, go into “Model Settings”, scroll to the bottom of the screen. On the ‘channel selection’ menu, select the ‘16’ value in Ch1-16, and change it to CH1-8. This stops the transmitter from transmitting Ch9-16 data every other frame, effectively doubling the frame rate

Finally, you can adjust the RC Smoothing in flight control firmware, though stock is a great compromise. For racing, values of 10-15 work best for me, practically I’m content to run defaults for Betaflight 4.2 (10). For freestyle flying, I have found that 20 is an excellent value. Values up to 40 can still be used, particularly on cinewhoops.

FrSky R9M – Counterexample

I have included somewhat of an example with the FrSky R9 system, as there are ways of reducing latency. Yet the most functional setup for improving overall RC-FPV combined useful latency actually involves accepting some tradeoffs that don’t providing minimal latency, but improve the effective response latency maximally.

The same updates to the XSR and R-XSR can benefit the R9M system. F.Port is still the faster (and easier connection) configuration for this hardware. The same XJT fixes are also tremendously beneficial.

  • Update the radio firmware to the latest OpenTX (2.3.3 or later). This fixes the “unsync heartbeat” bug in with XJT and OpenTX, eliminating up to 9ms of latency (how to update OpenTX)
  • Second, update receiver firmware to the one that support F.Port. I recommend the ACCST Pre-2.0 (1.X F.Port .frk files), as there are bugs present in some of the newer FrSky provided versions
  • Third, use FPort instead of SBus, which is a faster protocol
  • Go into “Model Settings”, scroll to the bottom of the screen. On the ‘channel selection’ menu, change “Ch1-16” to “CH1-8”. This stops the transmitter from transmitting Ch9-16 data every other frame, effectively doubling the frame rate

Here is where there exists a counterexample where we no longer configure the RC Smoothing (and FeedForward Interpolation or D-Term_Setpoint_Weights) to maximize response, but instead of smooth signals for inputs to the PID controller. Mark Spatz has an excellent video on just this:

For Betaflight 4.2, the solution is to use the new FF_interpolate = 4 functionality, which uses an interpolation of the last 4 data points, and leverage the RC_Smoothing with values of 30-50 to further filter this data.

While adding filtering delay may sound unpalatable, in practice the motor heat that can result from having those large variable stair-stepped setpoint datapoints injected into the PID loop results in having to detune PID (PID/Dmin/FF) gains resulting in less rapid response to inputs, therefore slightly over-filtering the RC commands (which adds about 4-8ms of effective latency) but allowing larger FeedFoward values, P&D Gains, and reduced filtering (particularly on D-Term for lowpass filters) results in overall faster craft response (typically going from 12-15ms to setpoint step responses down to 6-9ms to setpoint step responses) results in actually better response, cooler motors, and most of all the response of the craft is more consistent (As some of the variability in latency cannot be completely removed).

The mathematicians among you will realize this isn’t a net improvement on latency, however, there are more important aspects of the overall flight experience, and consistency of copter response matters a lot more, particularly on larger and long-range intended craft that benefit most from the R9 system. If it sounds like I’m being needlessly hard on the R9 system, I will own up to having moved away from the entire FrSky radio infrastructure to Crossfire for my more expensive 7” long range quads after experiencing some crashes due to radio link… but the good news is that the above F.Port and XJT fixes will result in actually lower overall latency on the R9 system from stock, and these extra smoothing inputs will result in a better flying quad, and to some extent some additional artificial smoothing of stick inputs.

What is Radio Control Link Latency?

Radio control link latency is the delay between the radio system decoding stick positions and the copter receiving setpoint (stick position) data that can be used by a flight controller for determining what outputs to next send to the ESCs and motors to cause the craft to respond to the remote control inputs. There are some additional latency effects involved in flight controller calculation from filtered gyro data, which must be touched upon briefly, but for the most part this article will focus on ways of minimizing the delay between the controller gimbals and the flight controller without significant negative effects.

Author: Daniel “Tehllama” Appel
I’ve been an avid FPV Pilot for the last three years, with a background in signal processing, RF communication systems development, carbon electrode electrochemistry research, high performance computing research, and aerospace manufacturing.

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Chris P. 2nd December 2022 - 10:34 am

Excellent article. Daniel Appel and Oscar Liang delivered a master class. And did it with class – it was nice to see your shout-out to ProjectBlueFalcon. RIP.

And when I read that, it got me thinking how grateful I am for all the people that support this hobby. Ranging from Bardwell to Botgrinder, Steele to Stu, Zoe to Zorro…..there are so many awesome people committed to educating and entertaining the fpv community. Thanks for all you do!

80sguy 5th November 2020 - 6:33 pm

If you update the article may you comment on the different modems in the sx1280/81 chip. As in it is fairly obvious that Ghost is using the LoRa modem but the FLRC modem is equally close to the Shannon limit per the data sheet and offers much higher bitrates. I am guessing that is what TBS is using in Tracer.

TehllamaFPV 29th October 2020 - 7:09 pm

Frank – I’d love to hear more about that, as the release of the TBS Tracer, new implementations of ExpressLRS on R9, and the 500Hz mode released for IRC Ghost systems, this whole article could benefit from a refresh.

Frank 11th October 2020 - 8:17 pm

missing (recent) information about dji ‘hdl’ protocol, which is basically sbus at a faster rate. get back to me if you want some more info, in search of a problem I delved into this a little bit as I was unable to find any information about that

Ki Finnsson 24th September 2020 - 4:32 am

Crossfire is LoRA PHY in the 900mhz spectrum, ghost is 2.4ghz LoRA phy and has significantly more bandwidth … who knows what they will do with it they are planning more than just a basic control link. I get the feeling that there is some peer negotiation already.

TehllamaFPV 19th August 2020 - 9:09 pm

It looks like the V2.1 from March may have resolved that serve output error – in my case I experienced it precisely once on the V2.0 .frk, and because of my ‘goofy’ channel arrangement, it put a 7″ quad into a GPS-RTH mode… while I was in the middle of a power loop.

Small sample size, and I didn’t really collect a lot of data, nor have I tried any builds on V2.1 to see what’s been corrected – I still had older .frk files loaded on my taranis SD card, so I reverted to those ‘known good’ configurations… and subjectively that did very much affect how I viewed the new FrSky ecosystem of products.

TehllamaFPV 19th August 2020 - 9:05 pm

As it happens, this is an extension of my master’s thesis, and job I was working on at the time… so getting up to speed on the new LoRa stuff was actually something useful to do.

Janek 18th August 2020 - 10:37 pm

This is more scientific then my masters thesis. Will definitely get back to it again.

KKommander SchiKK 18th August 2020 - 10:24 am

What bugs do you have found with FrSky ACCST v2.1 ? I had issues with pre-2.0 EU-LBT that made my quadcopter glitch and made my wing go into a dive and explode on the ground (full servo deflection, seconds-long lockout, no triggered failsafe). It was pretty hard to nail it down to the receiver / radio link. That issue was resolved with v2.1 and even the telemtry is more stable.

Why are so many bashing ACCST v2.1 (other than the incompatibility) although pre-2.0 has a bug with a serious safety hazard?
