Tutorial: Taranis Plays Custom Sound Track or MP3 Files

by Oscar

I will show you how to set up your Frsky Taranis X9D to play custom sound track using a switch, how to generate this sound track file (mp3 file), using text to speech online services. Finally, how to change the Taranis greeting message when you turn it on.

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One great feature of the Taranis is the voice feedback, and ability of playing sound tracks or even songs. You can have it talking to you, to report current flight information such as telemetry data, which is great especially when you are busy looking at the FPV goggle or screen.

Also check out this  Taranis Telemetry Tutorial.

But did you know that you can also configure it to play custom sound tracks? Use it to play a funny or naughty greeting as you switch on the radio transmitter just before the flight, or play a message to a stranger who is trying to ask you questions while your quadcopter is still in the air.

i think it’s relatively straight forward, so I will keep it simple and brief. If you have any questions please commend down below.

Generate Custom Voice message (Text to Speech Conversion)

You can record your own voice message and convert it into a sound track. But most people would rather want a voice of a sexy lady. :) So here is a common way on how to do it.

Go to http://www.acapela-group.com, type in the message you want and click “Listen”. However you are not given any option to download the sound file. Here is a trick to do so.

After pressing “listen”, the sound file is generated and stored on their website. You can find the link to the file in the Browser Developer mode, where you can see the HTML code of the website. In Google Chrome:

  • press F12
  • click on the HTML code
  • press Ctrl + F
  • type in “.mp3” and hit enter

Once you find the link to the mp3 file, open it in a new tab, right click on the page and choose “Save as” to save the file locally on your computer.


Converting MP3 File Format to WAV Format that Taranis Supports

Taranis does not support MP3 file format, only WAV format, therefore you need to convert it first. There is a free open source tool called Audacity, which works on Windows, Linux and Mac.


It also allows you to trim, cut, edit the sound track. If you are happy with the result, simply select the part of sound track you want, and click on “Export selected sound track” option in the File tab.

Default output settings works just fine on the Taranis.

Putting Sound Track Files on Taranis

Two ways to do it, pick one.

1. Take your SD card out of the Taranis, and insert it into your computer.

2. Access the SD card on the Taranis, by connecting the Taranis to the computer with a Mini USB cable. But you need to turn on the Taranis first by holding both trim buttons towards the centre as instructed below.


The sounds files are all in the “SOUNDS\en” directory on the SD card. Once you place the file there, the Taranis will pick it up and it should be available as an option in the next step.

Note: It’s best to keep the file name short, and try to avoid having symbols in the name, otherwise your file might not be detected.

Configure Switch on Taranis to Play Sound Track File

Final Step! And it’s simple.


On your Taranis, go to the Special Functions page, add a new function, assign a spare switch for playing the sound track, Second option should be “Play Track”, and third option is the file you want to play. Forth option is how many times you want to play it.

Changing Switch-On Greeting Message on Taranis

As you turn on the Taranis, you hear: “Welcome to OpenTX”.

Isn’t that boring? Let’s change it.

You only need to replace the original greeting sound file with a new one. The original greeting is located in “SOUNDS\en\system\hello.wav“.

Rename it to “hello_old.wav”, and put yours custom sound track in there and name it “hello.wav”.

There you have it! Let me know if you come up with any funny or creative ideas on how to use custom voice message on your Taranis.

Want to learn more about the Taranis D9X transmitter? Have a look at this review.

Edit History

  • May 2018 – Article created
  • Oct 2018 – OpenTX changed the name of the opening sound track from “tada” to “hello”

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Siddharth 28th July 2021 - 7:26 am

the hello.wav seems to have stopped working after the updgrade to latest 2.2.14-otx on the Taranis x9d+

any idea?

andy 16th July 2021 - 6:09 am

hello oscar
is there a command to allow a voice to say goodbye. i have one bendadict he says see u later !!!! is there a function to prompt it on shut down please
thanks andy

Jason 12th April 2022 - 7:50 am

You ever figure this out? I’d like to do something similar.

Max 3rd June 2021 - 2:41 am

Was trying for over an hour to setup play track on a switch global function from within Opentx Companion, thinking I was missing something as no tracks were in the list.

I could do it on the radio, but that meant painfully scrolling through hundreds of tracks. Who wants to do that…
I think I figured it out though and it was I’d missed a setup step in Opentx Companion, needed to setup a local (computer) copy of the SDCard and point Companion to its location. Without doing that you can’t select or play any tracks in companion it seems.
I had incorrectly assumed that companion just interfaced with the radio allowing us to use keyboard and mouse for setup instead of buttons on the radio…what a noob

Villy Feltmann 1st September 2019 - 3:14 pm

Now Acapela put an annoying sound in the background.

oren 3rd January 2018 - 10:44 pm

I have used the opentx speaker which worked great for me, super simple.

Adam T 4th July 2017 - 2:04 pm


I tried for over an hour trying to replace the startup sound ( tada.wav ) on SD Card. Nothing would work and it kept playing the default startup sound no matter how many times I replaced ( tada.wav ) in Dir – ” G:\SOUNDS\en\SYSTEM ” on Taranis X9D Plus SD Card . I thought that if it kept playing the default startup sound then it had to be another file / wav it was reading. I searched through – G:\SOUNDS\en\SYSTEM and found that ( hello.wav ) was what it was defaulting to. Once I replaced ( hello.wav ) it would play the custom sound . So it seems like the new file to change would be ( hello.wav ) instead of ( tada.wav ) .

FW: ( opentx – x9d+ )
VERS: (2.2.0 ) (85863358)
EEPR: ( 218 )

Hope this can help others.

Mark 25th November 2017 - 10:32 pm

This is EXACTLY what I needed. Thank you.

Rj Lee 14th October 2018 - 3:28 am

Thank you, I thought I was nuts.

James 8th March 2017 - 4:28 am

Thanks for this, it helped a lot! I made some custom sounds for m’self, and a script to generate the system sounds. It’s here if anyone wants to play! github.com/jameswood/Taranis-Voicebot/

Jake Bullit 5th February 2017 - 2:35 pm

I struggled getting some Star Wars effects to play,you need to have them at the correct settings ,use Audacity and these settings :

In Audacity:
– Open your file
– Tracks -> Stereo track to mono
– Set Project Rate to 32000Hz at the bottom left of the window
– File -> Export, Wav Signed 16 bit PCM
– Click “clear” on the metadata screen that appears

Paul 13th January 2017 - 10:52 am

Note: It’s best to keep the file name short, and try to avoid having symbols in the name, otherwise your file might not be detected.
Perhaps you can add “max 8 characters” to this line.

Nice tut BTW

JamesWorld 27th August 2017 - 12:43 am

On the QX7 the max characters is 6.

Mark 29th December 2016 - 9:09 pm

Does this still work? I tried on 12/29/2016 and there is no .mp3 file in the code.

Am 19th August 2016 - 3:48 am

Thank you for your guides! These are always fantastic!

Do you know if there a way to have the Taranis greeting change each time it powers up?

Oscar 22nd August 2016 - 3:10 pm

Please see section “Changing Switch-on Greeting”

Bruno Carmo 24th October 2015 - 12:18 am

Hi Oscar, Thanks for the tip… my video here;


Just to say, in Audacity we need to convert in 32hz frequency or will not work ;) default in my audacity was 44…


Fubecka 11th October 2015 - 9:23 pm

This is a great little tutorial Oscar, thanks for this. You may want to mention the Amber sound pack that can be found at http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2151914, it’s a really nice upgrade from the default OpenTX voice pack.

Oscar 12th October 2015 - 11:40 am

thanks Fubecka, i will check it out :)

Allan Turner 5th June 2015 - 11:07 pm

Hi,you say I have to click on the html code,I am doing that but nothing is happening, html lang=”en-US “>,this is what I’m pushing but I think I’m wrong,can you help,cheers

Oscar 8th June 2015 - 1:06 pm

it doesn’t matter where you click in the html code window, all it does is to make that window active, so when you press “Ctrl+F” you can actually search through the HTML code.

Pakal 3rd June 2015 - 1:48 am

Cusom sound?
Check the spelling of the title, noneed to post this comment.

Oscar 5th June 2015 - 1:42 pm

thanks for pointing out :)
