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Review: Runcam Split Hybrid 2 HD Camera

by Oscar

The Runcam Split Hybrid 2 is an HD camera that can be used as an FPV camera too. It’s designed to be mounted inside an FPV drone and capable of recording 4K 30FPS videos.

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Where to Buy?

Get the Runcam Splite Hybrid 2 HD camera from these vendors:

Improvements of the Runcam Hybrid 2

Most aspects are the same between the V1 and V2, for example, image field of view, camera dimensions, video resolutions, and audio quality.

The main change is the upgraded FPV camera – Phoenix 2. It is a better FPV camera: more detail/higher resolution, less digital artifacts and more neutral color profile,

HD footage image quality is almost identical, but I think Runcam slightly tweaked the color. It now looks a bit more neutral in my opinion, it used to have a colder tone in the previous version. It’s really not a big deal, as you can probably achieve the same result in post with color grading.

If you already have the V1, it’s probably not worth upgrading just for the better FPV camera. But if you want to get the Runcam Split Hybrid, the V2 is definitely the better choice.

Split Hybrid 2 Specs

  • HD Image Sensor: SONY 8MP
  • Analog FPV Image Sensor: SONY 1.3MP
  • Field of View (FOV):
    • HD Recording FOV 145°
    • FPV FOV 150° @ 4: 3
  • Video Resolution:
    • 4K@30fps
    • 2.7K@60fps/50fps
    • 1080P@120fps /100fps / 60fps / 50fps
  • Video File Format: MP4
  • FPV Video NTSC / PAL Switchable
  • Max Micro SD Card Supported Up to 128GB
  • Mounting Holes Distance: 20*20mm
  • PCB Size: 29*29mm
  • Lens Module Size: 19*25mm
  • Lens Specs: HD Lens : M10 / FPV Lens : M8
  • Power Input: DC 5-20V
  • Working Current: 480mA @5V / 140mA @12V
  • Weight: 18g

Runcam Split Hybrid 2 Camera

Features of the Runcam Split Hybrid 2

It has two cameras – one for recording HD footage up to 4K, the other camera is for the FPV view. This allows you to change camera settings independently, and they won’t affect each other.

Runcam Split Hybrid 2 HD FPV Camera lens

With previous Split cameras, there was only one camera, the FPV feed was shared from the HD camera, if you find the HD camera footage too bright and lower exposure, the FPV view might get too dark to fly. Having separate cameras solves this problem.

There are two holes on each side of the camera for frames that have different height. The width of the camera is 19mm which is equivalent to a micro FPV camera.

The processing unit is one single PCB with 20x20mm mounting holes. You can mount it directly on top of an FC stack.

It uses QR Code to change HD camera settings. QR code can be generated in Runcam’s Android/iOS app, then you just put your phone screen in front of the camera.

Runcam Split Hybrid 2 scan QR code read camera settings

To control the camera, there are push buttons on the PCB to start and stop recording. But you can also connect the camera to your FC via UART so you can do that with the a switch on your radio.

You can update the camera’s firmware through the Speedybee APP too by wiring it to the flight controller’s UART.

The 4K HD image quality is better than what you get on the DJI FPV system (Air Unit 1080p recording), but it’s certainly not as good as the GoPro. But hey, the Runcam Hybrid is lot lighter than the GoPro and it can be used as an FPV camera too, so it’s great for smaller drones that can’t carry a heavy HD camera. This gives you a more affordable option to take HD footage even if you don’t fly the DJI system, and it’s also possible on micro quads.

Make sure to get a good SD card if you plan to record 4K with this camera, see my SD card recommendations:

And make sure the SD card is formatted to FAT32 to avoid errors.

Runcam Split Hybrid 2 processing mother board

Although the Split Hybrid 2 supports up to 20V of voltage, I do not recommend powering the camera directly from LiPo in an FPV drone because of the potential voltage spikes generated from the motors. It can cause noise in your FPV feed, or worse, damage your camera. It’s best to power it from your FC, or a voltage regulator.

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Edwin 21st August 2022 - 9:45 am

is it possible to download the HD footage without having to take out the micro SD Card from the PCB

MrTig 20th January 2022 - 8:45 pm

What kind of stock lens is it? Wonder if they are all glass and need to be upgraded?

Jason 13th November 2022 - 9:16 pm

Anyone know the specific mipi cable that works for this? I need a longer one, but I am having no luck finding a model number or part number as of yet.

Bobby. 21st October 2021 - 12:17 am

I need help its impossible to mount this camera in a armattan rooster its too skinny and nobody makes a mount

Matteo 26th April 2021 - 2:54 pm

Thanks for your comment about the naked HERO 6. But however the price is hardly comparable with split-style cameras.

Matteo 23rd April 2021 - 9:57 am

Hi! What do you think of the Caddx Loris Micro 4K? I believe it is a quite good competitor! It would be nice if you could review it!

Oscar 23rd April 2021 - 2:01 pm

They are both using similar tech the difference is small.
Personally I still prefer getting a naked GoPro 6, the price is similar to these HD cameras, and it has Reelsteady option for stabilizing footage.

sudo robot destroy 16th March 2021 - 11:06 am

In the first paragraph it says “capable of recording 4K 60FPS videos.”

Oscar 17th March 2021 - 12:57 pm

thanks for the heads up, it was a typo.

snakeye fpv 10th March 2021 - 3:56 pm

No 4k@60fps!?

Oscar 10th March 2021 - 5:11 pm

No, only 30fps for 4K

Herman 9th March 2021 - 5:57 pm

I have the V1 and the HD recordings are absolutely fantastic. I only record in 2.7K60, in this mode around 8:30 minutes the videofile continues in a new file, where a couple of frames are dropped on the transition. That’s the only downside i found so far., you can’t stitch it seamless together in the edit. I also have the Split4 4K, the HD recordings have slightly less detail, but on this camera the video files do continue from one to the other without a single frame dropped. If the Hybrid V2 could do that i would certainly buy one, but for now i will stick with the Split4 4K.
