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Review: Eachine PRO58 Diversity Module with Achilles PLUS Firmware

by Oscar

The Eachine Pro58 diversity module is designed for Fatshark FPV Goggles, and it’s only $26! With the custom Achilles Plus firmware, how does this module compare to other high end diversity options in the FPV market?

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The Eachine Pro58 Diversity module is available at Many thanks to George Chrysostomos for giving me the opportunity to test his Achilles PLUS firmware.

Affordable Diversity Module – The Eachine Pro58

Most existing diversity modules on the market for the Fatshark FPV Goggles can cost over $90, the Eachine Pro58 is certainly very tempting at only $26 a piece. ($29 including the cover)

It looks similar to the Furious True-D: two separate receivers stacked together as one module, so there is no messy wiring and it’s plug and play in any Fatshark Goggles, including the Dominator V3, HD3 and Attitude V4.

Further Reading: Here is my review of the FuriousFPV True-D module.

As you can see, the pins are shorter than other modules such as the True-D, so it can easily fall out of the Goggles if you don’t have a cover to hold it in place.

The cover only costs a couple of bucks, or you can 3D print it with designs on Thingiverse. To get good 3D printing result, I have to scale the design to 100.2%, and I also had to enlarge the holes flighty for the antenna connectors.

The two receivers/connectors are labelled as A and B. You are supposed to use different antennas on them:

  • A – onmi-directional, such as pagoda or cloverleaf
  • B- direction such as patch or helical

Further Reading: Learn the basics of FPV Antennas.

One complain I have about this module is the button. It’s the same multi-directional button on the first version of the True-D which I didn’t like at all. It’s fragile, and it’s hard to use. I wish they use the same 3-button design like the latest True-D V3.

On the back there is the 3M double sided foam tape that can help secure it in the module bay.

What’s special about the Pro58 with Achilles firmware?

The Eachine Pro58 comes with a factory firmware, it works, but it’s not great. The good news is there is a custom firmware you can install on the Pro58 module to turn it into a truly amazing product.

The Achilles Plus firmware is developed specifically for the Eachine Pro58 hardware, by George Chrysostomos. It optimizes the module’s performance and introduces some cutting-edge features that aren’t even available yet on other more expensive modules.

In fact, the Pro58 has a much better processor than what’s used on the Laforge and True-D, that’s why it can handle more complex and advanced features.

Apart from the usual diversity module stuff, the Achilles firmware can also do:

  • OSD Menu – allows you to change settings in the goggles without taking them off
  • Lap timer – tracks your lap time using your VTX signals
  • Model Searching – help you find your crashed RC model using VTX signal by determining which direction the signal is coming from
  • Easy to use menu, and really cool animation
  • You can also use the buttons on the goggles to change channels

George, the developer, is currently working on some new features and improving the performance. I can’t wait to see what he comes up with next!

How to get Achilles firmware?

After buying the Pro58 module from Banggood, you can then buy the Achilles firmware from George’s website for €11.00, and you can upload the firmware to the module by yourself.

And you will need this tool to flash the firmware, the ST-Link V2 Tool:

Stm32 St Link V2 Program Usb Tool Pinout 3.3v 5v Dio Clk

OSD Menu

In order to enable OSD menu in the goggles, you have to do a little bit of DIY, and solder a resistor on the module which is pretty easy to do. Instructions can be found on

But at the moment when using the OSD menu, the whole screen goes into black background. It only returns to your camera when you quit the menu. I hope one day they can improve this and allows OSD text to overlay on top of the camera image. This will allow lap timers to be displayed during racing.. how cool would that be?!

Pro58 Achilles Performance Testing

In this test, I was flying my 3″ micro quad in the forest.

I had two pairs of goggles recording DVR at the same time, one with the True-D v3.6 module, and the other with the Pro58 Achilles. Both Goggles were using the exact same antennas (Spironet + Menace Invader) and facing the same direction.

The FPV setup of the quad is:

Disclaimer, this test doesn’t represent how good these modules and firmware are. There are simply too many factors can affect the results. This test is just to show you what the Pro58 Achilles module is capable of.

Anyway, from this test the Pro58 performed on par with the true-D, if not better. The signal quality was more consistent and had less break-up in some situations. Very impressive for what it does and the low cost!

Modes/Functions in Achilles

Here is a list of currently available modes in the Achilles firmware:

  • Ultra Search
  • Fast Mode
  • Manual Search
  • Event Mode
  • Lap Timer
  • Model Find
  • Kerveros mode
  • Band Scan
  • Favourites

I have to say the naming is not the most intuitive about what these modes do, so I will try to explain what they are and how they work.

Ultra Search

Ideally this is what you will be using the most.

Ultra Search mode scans the entire 5.8GHz band for any available channels extremely quickly (within a second). You can press the down button for the next available channel.

Sometimes due to the antenna or the environment, the actual broadcasting frequency can be slightly off. In this mode it can check the RSSI for frequencies +/-2MHz around the channel you are listening to, and choose the new frequency for the channel.

For example, if your quad is on F4 (5800MHz), but it has stronger RSSI at 5802MHz, the module will select 5802MHz as the new F4 channel.

Fast Mode & Manual Search

The two modes are similar but also different.

Manual mode is the same as fast mode if you only hit the button one time, it will move to the next channel. But if you hold down the button in manual mode, the frequency changes incrementally by 1MHz. In Fast mode, holding down the button will scroll through the channels quickly.

I find myself using Fast Mode a lot. I hardly use Manual Search mode, I guess it would be useful if you have a VTX that is using a custom frequency that doesn’t have a name :)

Event Mode

Event mode scans the entire 5.8GHz band and stores all the available channels, then you can switch back and forth between these channels. Great for spectating in racing events.

Lap Timer

The lap timer uses receiver B, the patch antenna, to check the signal strength. The timer can record up to 12 laps and maximum 59 seconds for each lap.

Parameters in the lap timer:

  • RSSI TRIGGER: set this value as the RSSI MAX that will trigger a LAP
  • Threshold Pass: this is a delay in milliseconds. If the RSSI TRIGGER becomes true (RSSI is equal to or greater than RSSI TRIGGER), then the module has to make sure that RSSI TRIGGER stays true for this delay before adding 1 to the lap count. This prevents RSSI spikes and error

It’s recommended to race with 200mW VTX for best result, and point the patch antenna into a spot that the drone always pass through in every lap (e.g. the gate in front of you). It can take 2 to 3 laps to set it up correctly for the first time.

Model Find

You can locate your crashed quadcopter with Model Find mode. I tested it a couple of times and it did work well! :) Especially if your quad doesn’t have a buzzer installed. However your quad must have the battery connected, and the VTX is still working after the crash for this to work…

This function basically uses your directional antenna on receiver B to check the signal strength. Because directional antenna has a narrow beam width, it can fairly accurately detect which direction your quad may have crashed.

Kerveros mode

The Kerveros Mode is an experimental feature, aims to give you the best possible signal when you are suffering from a low quality VTX that have poor RF performance, bad antennas or environment. Here is how it works:

The two receivers on the module are working independently, Receiver A will focus on the primary channel frequency, while receiver B will be wandering around frequencies around the channels, i.e. +/- 1MHz. And the module will choose the best signal for you.

For example, if you are on F4 (5800MHz), receiver A will stay on 5800MHz, while receiver B will scan 5799MHz and 5801MHz and see which frequency has the best signal.

Band Scan

It scans and draws a RSSI graphs of the entire 5.8GHz band.


You can permanently save up to 10 channels or custom frequencies in this list.



This determines how much higher RSSI has to be for antenna switching to happen. When Filtering is set to FAST, antenna switching happens more often; When it’s set to SLOW, switching happens less often; Default is NORMAL.

Frequent antenna switch can be annoying, but if it’s too slow the switching becomes irresponsive.


The Pro58 module is capable of checking RSSI 1000+ times per second. These RSSI values are stored, and we can get an average every now and then to decide if we should switch antenna.

This setting determines how many values you want to get the average from. The higher value, the slower switching will be. It might be slower to respond, but you can sometimes get a clearer and more stable result.

This setting depends a lot on the environment. For flying in open fields, or long range flying, it’s better to use larger value. For close distance flying with lots of obstacles, it’s better to use lower value.


Alarm level is the RSSI level in percentage. Every time the signal reaches critical level, your goggle beeps. You can turn it off if you find it annoying.

DIVS is the number of antenna changes – With the statistics, the two numbers with % you get a picture how much usage per antenna.

Module Calibration

After flashing the firmware, the first thing you want to do is to calibrate it. Here are the instructions how.

Don’t worry about the calibration values, if something is wrong, the Achilles firmware will notify you. For example, if you do the calibration without a working VTX, the module won’t even start until you complete the calibration properly.


The Pro58 Achilles module have been reported working well with all sorts of Fatshark Goggles, except the Fatshark DomV1, because it has auto-contrast and this feature fades the OSD text.

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Logan 20th May 2024 - 1:17 am

Do you know if this module can switch between two channels for which one is strongest? (one channel per receiver) I was looking into making a signal extender setup for MTB trail FPV shots.

Gabe 18th September 2023 - 7:23 am

The link to the tool for flashing doesn’t work anymore, and also doesn’t say what it was. Can you update it?

Oscar 23rd September 2023 - 2:54 pm

The tool you need is the ST-Link V2 Tool:

Akira 23rd April 2023 - 2:41 am

I know this is an old post but it is still very affordable HW. With HDZERO goggles released does this module work in them for say, use with indoor micro woops??

Oscar 23rd April 2023 - 10:34 am

yea it does work, but not as well as other more expensive modules (like Rapidfire and Fusion) especially in multipathing environment like indoor.
There used to be the 3rd party Achilles firmware you can flash to improve performance, but I don’t know if it’s still available it’s been 4+ years since I last heard from this company.

Ollie 5th August 2021 - 10:48 pm

Fantastic review. I’ve got one now. Anyone using one on EV200d?

I’ve put it in the right module as it turns on quicker but is now upside down. Does RX B still work better with a patch, as that’s now on top as oppose as to on the bottom.

Adolfo Rosado 10th October 2020 - 4:28 pm

Oscar, do you know if the free version of Aquilles works on the old RealAcc TX5808 with split diversity receiver? I installed it and looks like the diversity receiver light comes on at first but if I access any settings, it goes out and it does not come back. I’ll try to calibrate next. Thanks for the great work!

Guido 26th September 2019 - 11:54 am

Hi Oscar,

I’m using this receiver with my original vr006 box goggles and powering it with 3.7V coming from the goggles. This is working fine but the internal 500mah battery is so weak that even while powering the box goggles via micro usb at the same time they get drained faster than they fill up.

So instead I want to create a 2S li-ion pack to power everything (goggles, receiver, and DVR). For the DVR I’m certain it can run off 7.4V because it has the connector for it but do you think the eachine receiver can run from 7.4 or even 8.4V when fully charged? Or will it burn out?


bhisma_aradea 20th March 2019 - 8:05 am

what is the benefit in radio frequency perspectif, using the achilles firmware? is that increase the signal sensitivity and also the selectivity of radio frequency channel?

Noel B. Coronel 27th January 2019 - 2:44 am

Will the Pro58 work on the HDO? Would love to know. Thanks.

Oscar 10th February 2019 - 7:27 pm

that’s what i am using it on.

Charlie 7th November 2018 - 6:23 pm

Hi Oscar. I got it going with Achilles Plus firmware. Calibration went without a hitch. I’m using Lua script to change vtx channels on my taranis. On the quad I tested it on I’m using a tbs unify nano (avoid it… It’s really annoying).

The pro58 is finding that the vtx is broadcasting on a different channel from what the taranis says. I assume it’s the Lua script and nano not working properly. Any thoughts about how to get the two in sync?

Oscar 23rd November 2018 - 1:04 am

Try to use Betaflight OSD for changing VTX settings, LUA script is known unreliable with VTX settings.

Curtis Hall 17th September 2018 - 1:02 am

I have the Dom V1s so these will not work with this at all?

Reyalp_roN FPV 25th February 2019 - 4:36 pm

Yes it work. You will however get faded text on the osd in your goggles though.

dbonefpv 13th September 2018 - 7:07 pm

is there any change to setup the default menu or maybe turn off some features ?

Mike 31st May 2018 - 1:04 pm

Is the Pro58 decent with the factory firmware? Not looking for any special features, just good clean video and range.

Lordkwad 15th March 2018 - 2:18 pm

How in gods name do I get audio to work with this module? I’m running the attitude v3’s pro58 with Achilles v1.6 and a known working mic on my quad. All I get is static and clicks but no sound. The mic works as my nexwave gives out sound to my ear bhd but the pro58 won’t :/ has anyone got an answer?

tezaman 25th April 2018 - 9:34 am

have you tried both left and right channel? if you have sound in DVR then , try an ear bud with stereo and check wich channel works….

The Lightning Stalker 29th April 2018 - 11:34 am

Unfortunately these may suffer from the same problem as the later model RX5808 modules. They originally had a 6.5MHz filter installed that is missing in some of them.

fredy 27th January 2018 - 12:56 pm

Looks Like The SMA Connectors are very short. do The antennas fit there?

Oscar 29th January 2018 - 1:10 pm

yea antennas fit just fine

Dan 26th January 2018 - 2:20 pm

Will this fit the Fatshark Attitude V4 without modding the Fatshark case? Thanks

Matthias 28th January 2018 - 9:13 pm

Fit the Attiude V3/V4 without modding the case: Yes BUT small header adaptor needed. (sorry for that – my design)

Dan 29th January 2018 - 9:37 pm

What is the small header pin, can you provide a link please? Thank you!

Dustin 25th January 2018 - 11:59 pm

I had trouble getting one of the covers on thingiverse to fit so I moved the holes. This seems to fit pretty well now

Oscar 29th January 2018 - 12:48 pm

Excellent, yea the original design definitely had some problems with the hole locations

Mpkiteman 24th January 2018 - 9:02 pm

Very nice review! Concerning the flashing tool, can I use an ftdi or an arduino instead?

George 25th January 2018 - 7:32 am

no unfortunately , only ST-LINK

Oscar 29th January 2018 - 12:43 pm

I don’t think so, the processor on the Pro58 is an STM32 chip so you will need some special tool to flash it.

Tom BD Bad 24th January 2018 - 2:05 pm

Wow these FW features are amazing! Great Work George Chrysostomos,

DrewW 24th January 2018 - 4:25 am

Could this be fitted to Boscam GS923 goggles? My GS923 goggles have two receivers, and from what I could dig up, every add says diversity as a feature, but with no way to test true diversity and an inability to translate mandarin Chinese effectively, my guess is the goggles just have dual receivers. There’s an autosearch function between the two channels, but you’d have to continuously press a button to execute that function to emulate true diversity. Also, “Saturation” is spelled “Faturation” in the goggles OSD, which is either a clever joke by boscam taking a shot at fatshark, or more likely a Felling error…
