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Must Have DJI FPV Accessories and Upgrades | Goggles 2, V2, Air Unit, Antenna, Foam, Cables

by Oscar
Truerc X Air 5.8ghz Mkii Directional Patch Antenna Dji Goggles 2 Fpv

Flying FPV with the awesome HD video feed from your DJI Digital FPV System is great, but you will get even better experience with some of these accessories and upgrades for your DJI FPV Goggles and Air Units.

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Table of Contents

SD Cards

SD Cards for DJI Goggles 2 and Original FPV Air Unit

Samsung Evo Plus U3 64GB:

SD Cards for O3 Air Unit

You need a card that is fast enough for 4K videos:

SD Cards for DJI Goggles V2 DVR

ND filters for O3 Air Unit

Flywoo ND filter for O3 Review:

Accessories for the Goggles 2

X-Air MKII Patch Antennas

Review: TrueRC X-Air MKII Antennas Upgrade for DJI Goggles 2

Better Straps

Shorter Power Cable

Aftermarket Face Plate Foam Padding

Lens Protector

Lumenier Universal Antenna Adapter

You can swap out the original antennas on the DJI Goggles 2 for some higher gain antennas for better range and penetration. The antenna is removable and has a MCX connector which is not a common connector in FPV, therefore it will require special aftermarket antennas made for the Goggles 2. The good news is you can use these MCX to SMA or RP-SMA adapter, which allows you to use any existing SMA antennas on the Goggles 2.


Goggles 2 Battery Adapter

Speedybee Goggles Bec Led 3 Digit Display

If you want to power your Goggles 2 from a 3S, 4S or even 6S LiPo battery, consider getting the Speedybee Goggles BEC:

Replacement DJI FPV Parts

Learn how to take apart the O3 Air Unit and replace cables here:

The lens is the most vulnerable part of the whole DJI FPV system. The good news is you can replace the lens or the camera module without buying a whole new Air Unit. To remove the original lens off the camera, you can use a heat gun.

To disconnect the camera from the Vista / Air Unit, you can follow these instructions.

Caddx Nebula Pro Camera:

Runcam RC18G (apparently this one works too but I haven’t tested it), RDQ:

Nebula – A Lighter Camera Module

If the DJI camera is too heavy, you might find the Nebula camera interesting. It’s smaller and lighter than the stock DJI camera, which is great for micro quads. However, some people might consider the loss of image quality too much for merely 4g of weight saving.

See my review of the Caddx Nebula here.

Power Cables

If you want to power the DJI FPV goggles from a LiPo battery, you will need this XT60 to barrel connector cable. The V1 comes with this cable, however the V2 doesn’t, and you have to purchase it separately.

For the V2 goggles, the provided battery has USB-C output, here is a longer (130cm) USB-C to barrel cable: Note that random USB-C to barrel cable might not work, as the cable provided by DJI has safety mechanism to prevent unexpected damage because the battery outputs 2S voltage.

USB-C Data Cable For Video Out

Video output from DJI FPV Goggles (both V1 and V2) is now possible, you can do so on both PC (Windows, Linux and MacOS) as well as smartphone (only Android). All you need is a USB-C data cable, and follow instructions here.

Improved Faceplate Foam Padding for Goggles

Many users have issue with light leakage around the nose and at both sides of the goggles. DJI listened and quickly released this new foam that addresses the problem.

The foam is much thicker and it wraps around the face more effectively to reduce light leakage. Some people cut the nose part out of the stock foam and use that together with the new foam.

However with the stock foam, you can put the goggles on while wearing your glasses, you can’t do this with the new foam as the fit is much tighter.

This is now available from:

There is also an aftermarket foam padding made by WLYL, which offers different colors as well:

DJI FPV Goggle Shims

Apart from thicker foam padding, you can also try these shims that you can insert between the foam and the goggles to increase thickness on both sides. This will help if you have light leakage from the sides.

You can also make this yourself if you have a 3D printer:

Analogue Receiver for DJI FPV Goggles

The DJI FPV Goggles supports analogue FPV system – it has an AV input you can plug your video receiver into

BDI Digidapter

The digidapter is my favourite analogue solution for the DJI FPV goggles, check out my review the Digidapter! It’s very easy to install, looks awesome and just works!

There’s a knock off of this module bay, I personally prefer the digidapter, but if you can’t find it anywhere, you can check it out:

URUAV Analogue Adapter

If the Digidapter is beyond your budget, you might want to check out this cheaper alternative from URUAV. It’s also very easy to install there is no soldering or tear-down required. Simply screw in the board to the goggle strap holes, connect the cables and you are good to go!

However I find it hard to use because the receiver module tends to come loose easily. You might have to get a 3D printed housing for this.

Corrective Lens for Goggles (Diopters)

You can actually wear your glasses while using the DJI FPV goggles, and I find no discomfort in doing so. But if you must, you can get these corrective lenses for your DJI Goggles according to your eyesight. These are also known as “lens diopters” in Fatshark Goggles.

Third-party Corrective lenses with finer Myopia degree options:

For those with vision issues outside the range of the DJI corrective lenses, here is a company that makes custom direct fit diopters for practically any prescription / astigmatism etc. It’s not going to be cheap, but if the DJI corrective lenses don’t work for you, this may be your only option currently:

Simple Single Head Strap for Goggles

Personally I prefer to run a single wide headstrap instead of the stock DJI strap. It’s easier to put on and holds just as well as the original. Most importantly it doesn’t mess up my beautiful hair :D

This one is a good option that you can just buy and install – iFlight Adjustable strap:

You can also use straps that are made for Fatshark and Skyzone goggles like I did in the last image, but you will need 3D printed adapters like this:

These straps are the best value:

V1 Goggles Antenna Upgrades (5.8GHz)

Stock Antennas

The stock antennas are omni-directional with very low gain, meaning they might not be the best when it comes to range, but they provide reliable signal coverage all around you.

The stock antennas are not bad, but you will certainly get better range by upgrading to omni-directional antennas listed below.

When selecting antennas, make sure you choose LHCP (antenna polarization) because the Air Unit antennas are LHCP. If you are getting RHCP you will also have to replace the Air Unit antenna to RHCP as well. If you mix LHCP and RHCP you will get bad range.

TRUERC Singularity Stubby (Omni-directional, 1.9dBi)

Lumenier AXII HD 2 Patch Visor Antenna Combo

Creator: Gd Jpeg V1.0 (using Ijg Jpeg V62), Quality = 70

Product Page:

Comes with an Patch Antenna (connects to the bottom two RPSMA connectors), and two onmi directional stubby antennas that connect to the top two RPSMA.

This antenna combo shows noticeable improvement in range and penetration compared to original antennas. However when using this combo you should point the goggles at the drone while flying for optimal performance.

Lumenier AXII (Omni-directional, 2.2dBi)

Directional Antennas

To get better range, you might want to consider directional antennas with higher gains. The downside however, is the narrower coverage. You have to point the antennas directly at your aircraft at all time during flight in order to get the best possible signal.

Higher gain = longer range but narrower coverage

I have an article explaining how antenna dB affects your maximum range.

ORT Shield Pro (Directional, 6.5dBi)

TRUERC X-Air (Directional, 10dBi)

The TrueRC X-Air antennas focus the beam in front of you and give you more than double the range in the direction they point. However the range to the sides and behind you is decreased drastically as they are “directional antennas”. But if you want an antenna that allows you to go longer range in one direction, this would be a very good option.

VAS Cyclops V2 Array (Directional, 10.25dBi)

Banggood Maple Antenna (Directional, 8.5dBi)

URUAV Pogoda Triple Feed Patch (Directional, 9.8dBi)

Menace DigiPack Patch Antenna

Low cost directional antenna for the DJI FPV Goggles.

Where to Mount Antenna

The bottom left port (#3) is the most important on the V1 goggles. it is the only one that spend 100% on receiving duty, while the others 3 connectors spend part time on transmitting. Also, the #3 port is the one with shortest coax run within the goggles, so it has the least signal loss (although it’s insignificant).

Therefore if you are using a patch antenna, that’s where you should mount it too (on the #3 port). If the patch antenna requires two connectors (such as the X-Air), you can mount the other connector on either #0, #1 or #2, it really doesn’t matter.

Can I Use V1 Goggles Accessories and Antennas On V2?

You can use the same accessories for the DJI FPV Goggles V1 on the V2, no problems there.

For antennas though, the situation is slightly more complicated. If you only use the goggles with Air Units and Vista, old antennas for the V1 would work fine for the V2. But if you also fly the DJI FPV drone, then you need new antennas designed specifically for the V2 because it uses both 5.8GHz and 2.4GHz. Antennas have to be multi-band, meaning they are compatible with both frequencies.

How does the V2 goggles compared to the V1?

V2 Goggles Antenna Upgrades (2.4GHz & 5.8GHz)

If you fly with the DJI FPV Drone, and would like to upgrade those stock antennas, then you’ll need to get these dual-band antennas made specifically for the DJI V2 Goggles.

If you use the older antennas made for the V1, you will get reduced range with the DJI Drone, but it should be fine if you only fly with Air Units and Vista since it’s only 5.8Ghz.

V2 dual-band antennas can be used on V1 Goggles too, but it won’t make use of the 2.4GHz band.

Lumenier Duality HD Stubby 2.4/5.8GHz Dual-Band Antenna

The Lumenier Duality Stubby antennas are rebranded from TrueRC I think, because they have the exactly same specs. However the Lumenier is $5 cheaper than the original at the time of publishing.

Purchase Duality Stubby from GetFPV:

Goggles and Transmitter Case

Cases For both Goggles and Remote Controller:

Case for just the FPV Goggles:

Mounting Antennas

Antenna configuration is different in the V2 Goggles, and therefore antenna mounting would be different. Please see comments above regarding antenna mounting on the V1 goggles, same rules apply in the V2.

Goggles Power Cable Holder

The power cable sometimes comes loose easily. If you have a 3D printer, you can make one of these holders to secure the power cable in place.

Shorter Battery Cable for Goggles

Prefer to hang the battery on the strap next to your ear? You might find one of these shorter power cables useful.

DJI FPV Goggles Screen Protector

3D-print this in TPU, it keeps the dusts away and protects the display/optics during transportation.

Air Unit Antenna Upgrade

The AXII antennas claim to have over 50% increase in performance. If you are already using AXII antennas on the DJI FPV goggles, you might want to get these for your Air Unit as well because they are likely to be best matched in terms of frequency turning.

Also these antennas are lighter than the stock antennas on the Air Unit so it’s a bonus to smaller drone builds.

Lens Protection

If the frame doesn’t provide enough protection to the camera lens, it could be a good idea to use a lens cap to protect it from crashes.

You can buy or 3D print it yourself:

There is also an official version, but it’s slightly more complicated when it comes to installation. To install it, you first have to remove the four screws on the front of the camera, then push the protector on to the lens. It’s not easy putting the screws back on as the lens protector gets in the way of the screws. The trick is to use the short side of an “L shape” Allen key to fasten the screws.

Installing Extra Low ESR Capacitor

Solder a big low ESR capacitor to your ESC/LiPo power pads as per normal builds, or even better, also add a 330uF capacitor to the Vista power and ground pads. The capacitors will prevent freeze frames issues related to noisy power supply, especially on powerful setups.

Edit History

  • Mar 2020 – post created
  • Jul 2020 – added a few products and tips
  • May 2023 – added accessories for DJI Goggles 2 and O3 Air Unit

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Chicken 19th August 2024 - 6:53 pm

Goggles V3 ?

babipsylon 31st July 2021 - 8:54 am

On an analog setup one would typically go for a directional and omni antenna combo on rx side. Here it’s is never done. Why?

Chris 20th June 2021 - 1:12 pm

Cant believe you didnt recommend the IFlight Crystal antennas. Lumeneers are slightly better in performance. But these are more compact for storing in your bag.

Peter Dahlmann 5th May 2021 - 1:58 pm

Thanks for the quick reply. While I am most certainly not an authorized repair center, I have been repairing DJI Phantoms & Inspires for the last 4-5 years. I get parts from other crashed drones which I buy and strip for what I need; looks like I’ll have to try the same approach with these goggles, since I can’t afford the $210 part plus repair costs.
Keep up the great work!

Oscar 5th May 2021 - 2:29 pm

Of course you can repair DJI products yourself, it’s just not easy to get hold of their spare parts unless you are a DJI partner or have connections :)

Peter Dahlmann 4th May 2021 - 10:11 pm

Oscar, I am amazed at the constant flow of valuable information coming from you and Google searches for specific technical questions keep sending me to one or another of your articles! One thing I’ve not been able to find ANYWHERE are replacement screens for my DJI FPV goggles (v1). I’m perfectly capable of replacing it, just can’t seem to find the part anywhere. All DJI authorized repair companies tell me is I have to send goggles to DJI directly for repair. I don’t have the time nor money for that. Any sugestions?

Oscar 5th May 2021 - 9:31 am

It’s highly unlikely to find any spare parts for DJI’s products, you have to be a licensed repair center to order them directly from DJI. And yes, you have to send them in for repair unfortunately.

Mattia 10th June 2021 - 6:43 am

Are your screens not working at all? When did you buy your goggles? I’m pretty skeptical now ahah

Bob Mangano 4th May 2021 - 6:23 pm

Hi Oscar, someone asked but I didn’t see an answer to the question about having both omnidirectional AND directional antennas on the DJI goggles (V1). There are 4 connectors, so it should be doable, but I’ve heard they are not all the same. What would the best setup be?

Oscar 5th May 2021 - 9:27 am

Every antenna is designed differently, just follow the recommendation from antenna manufacturer. For the True-RC X-Air patch for example, they recommend mounting it on the top two connectors if you are using only one, and use the bottom two for omnidirectional antennas.

Giovany Arana 19th April 2021 - 5:05 pm

I’ve been using my DJI FPV Goggles as they came put of the box for about a year and I have not felt the need for any change. How ever these are cool add-ons.

Frank 18th April 2021 - 9:23 pm

Love your blog.
My greetings.

Raz 12th April 2021 - 11:50 am

I’m considering upgrading my DJI FPV Goggles V2 with the Lumenier AXII HD Patch 5.8GHz Antennas (drone VTX is a Caddx Vista).

Can I use this 5.8Ghz-only antenna without damaging the V2 Goggles?

I read that not having a 2.4Ghz antenna attached could potentially damage the transmitter on the V2.

Oscar 12th April 2021 - 4:16 pm

I have seen people doing that because they dont fly with DJI drone, only the air units so it’s only using 5.8GHz. However I haven’t tried that myself and still waiting for more concrete evidence that’s okay to do, as you know DJI is not the company you can expect to get an answer back regarding most technical questions.

Levan 23rd October 2021 - 7:58 pm

I fly with only 5.8GHZ on two kwads. one with air unit and another with vista and after 10-15 flights, it is ok)

Martin 5th April 2021 - 2:07 pm

These metal brackets are available on eBay if you want to use a wide strap on the goggles:

Eric 3rd March 2021 - 7:01 pm

Hi Oscar,

As for the antennas, is it possible / does it make sense mixing both omni and directional antennas?
Since the googles have 4 antennas, how would you set this up?

David Hernandez 16th December 2020 - 5:39 pm

I’m also looking for recommendations on a case for the DJI FPV Goggles when they are combined with the BDI Digidapter?

Eric 18th October 2020 - 5:29 am


Do you have any recommendations on a case for the DJI FPV Goggles when they are combined with the BDI Digidapter?



david maryniak 2nd October 2020 - 3:08 am

so now if you want to view your fpv on your tv you can. heres how

Achim 12th September 2020 - 3:26 pm

You can use the 750$ smartcontroller to get the signal out of the goggle on a screen.

Ed 28th August 2020 - 11:44 pm

Great list thanks! Struggling to find a headstrap in the UK, know anyone?

amir 24th August 2020 - 5:17 am

Thanks for the info!
Is it possible to use the corrective lens with 0 correction, so it will be used just as an anti scratch protector for the lens?

Juan Felipe 21st April 2020 - 9:53 am

Thank you Oscar!
Could you please suggest ways to power up the goggles?
I hate using LiPo for the Goggles (too lazy to storage charge) but I’m strugling to find a nice 3S/4S Li-Ion solution.

Oscar 3rd June 2020 - 12:04 am

You can build one :)
Just get 4 18650, and solder them in series to make a 4S pack.
Here is how to solder them: Tutorial: Soldering Li-Ion Battery Cells (18650, 18500)

Curtis 7th April 2020 - 3:34 am


I have these goggles and also the RHO lens for my prescription and they work very well. The only possible issue is that you can’t set the pupal distance to the minimum or maximum setting as the mounts on the lenses prevent them from moving the last bit to their extremes. So if your pupils are at the min/max range then corrective lenses might not work.

Also, I wish someone made camera adaptors for the Air Unit camera. I have a lot of drones with the usual Runcam mount, which is wider than the DJI camera. I thought for sure someone would have made an adaptor that lets you take the smaller DJI camera and use it in a drone with a mount set up for a Runcam, but I can’t find one. Specifically for frames like the Armattan Rooster or similar.

Petr 6th April 2020 - 11:39 am

I would like to add two more things:

I have an prism eye issue and could fix this with following lenses from RHO Lens
RHO-LensTador for DJI FPV Goggles


thehelidude 31st March 2020 - 4:40 am

I consistently use your website as a resource for things, i use your how to set up frsky fport post everytime i do a build lol. Glad to see your including DJI digital fpv content, it renewed my interest in FPV.
Take care

Tristram Budel 27th March 2020 - 10:49 am

Any options to output the video signal from the goggles to an external screen?

Oscar 1st May 2020 - 4:57 pm

Not possible at the moment

Ingo 25th March 2020 - 8:05 am

Dear Oscar,
thank you very much for your excellent overview about the DJI FPV accessories. Because I have to wear glasses I have some experience with prescription lenses for different FPV goggles. For all the people with the same issues it might be helpflul to add a link to the Tador prescription lenses mad by RHO-lens:
I have not tested these specific prescription lenses by myself, because I do not own the DJI FPV goggles (at the moment). But I use prescription lenses from RHO-lens for my Skyzone, my Headplay and my DJI goggles and I am very satisfied. Of course they are a little bit more expensive than the standard correctional lenses, but they are custom made according to your personal needs. The difference is very obvious for me and I did not think about buying the DJI FPV goggles unless the RHO-lens prescription lenses were avaiable for them. In my opinion it makes no sense to buy an expensive HD goggle if your vision impairments prevent you from enjoying the full HD experience. Because they ship worldwide this information might be useful for all your readers which have to wear glasses.
